59. -Art-

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He turns the light off and pulls the door closed bringing the work day to an official end. I swear this is the best part of the day.

He smiles at me and I get the sudden urge to hold his hand but restrain myself as we head toward the elevator.

Ling and Mike are already waiting when we get downstairs.

"Were you guys waiting?" I ask.

Mike smiles, "I don't have your number and I wanted to tell you where we plan to meet."

"Do you mind exchanging numbers Mr.Art?" Ling asks.

"No. I don't mind." I tell her but it's Mike who offers me his phone first.

I take it and quickly put my number in. Mike takes the phone and seems to be saving it as Ling offers me her phone.

I'm retyping my number when Mike chuckles, "I'll save you as Red."

I hand Ling her phone, "Why cause of the suit?"

"Yeah I have never seen someone look so good in crimson."

I nearly flinch from his statement and for the first time I really take in his face.

Oh Shit! Is this dude giving me sex eyes?

I turn my head to look at Fiat who has been silent this whole time for confirmation.

He doesn't meet my gaze but the sulky look confirms it.

Fiat clears his throat as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out his keys and offer them to me.

"You can borrow my car I'll call a driver."
He tells me still not meeting my gaze.

"I thought we were going together." I say panicked.

"No one wants the boss at these things trust me." He says as he turns to address Mex.

"Hey Mex I need a car."

"Yes Sir." He says as he picks up the receiver on the reception desk.

"I'm sure that isn't true. Is it?" I ask looking to Mike and Ling whose eyes tell me they had no intention or desire for Fiat to join us.

What the hell? Why can't Fiat come?

"ETA three minutes Mr.Fiat." Mex calls out.

"You must really be close for Mr. Fiat to let you borrow his car." Ling states.

"Yeah, and I always see you guys drive in and leave together in the evening. Do you car pool?" Mike asks and I freeze.


"Yes. We have been friends and neighbors since we were kids. It just seems easier to ride together." Fiat says simply.

I don't know why but the on his toes explanation irks me more than the look on his face.

"Are you ok Mr. Fiat?" Ling asks.

"I'm fine. Just a headache. My car should be pulling up shortly I will see you all tomorrow. Have a good evening." He says as he heads toward the glass doors without even looking at me.

We all return the sentiment. I watch as his car quickly pulls up and he opens the door and gets in.

"Are you ready to go?" Mike asks me with a smile.

I blink for a moment and realize my answer is Hell No.
I'm not going anywhere without my Fiat.
Damn sure not with another man gazing fireballs at me.

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