30. -Art & Fiat-

565 22 8


That feeling again the one that tells me he is near. I open my eyes and flinch. He's kneeling bedside watching me inches from my face.

Tears sting my eyes. I roll away and duck into the comforter. Just leave me be.
I feel him unwrapping me a moment later to expose me.

"Come to bed."

I tug at the comforter to cover my head, "I am in bed. Please feel free to keep ignoring me. I want to be alone."

"To drink?"

"It doesn't concern you."

"Everything that is you concerns me."

"Leave me alone Fiat. Are you unsatisfied that I'm not being punished enough?"

"We shouldn't sleep apart."

"I don't want to sleep with you, please take whatever butter knife you used to open that door and leave."

He starts to lift me and I struggle free of the blanket and away from him.

I sit up and glare at him, "Get out!"
Saying those words hurt, tears sting my eyes. I just want him deep inside filling me up.

"Why are you so upset? It can't be because I ignored you for six hours."

"Six hours? You ignored me for five months. Thank you again for reminding me just how that felt!" I snap near hysterics.

He takes a deep frustrated breath, "I'm sorry."

"No you're not. Keep your apology."

"Why did you do what you did today?"

"Why do you think?"

"To get under my skin?"

"To get your attention. It's not fair how long I have been deprived. It's not fair your allowed to take yourself away."


"Of your hands on my skin that hold me so firmly I know I'm safe, from your smell that lets me know I'm home, from your taste that drives me insane with lust, and your dick that fills me up so completely I know I'll never be alone again. I have been punished enough!" I screech as my tears flow from me.

He reaches for my face and I slap his hands away.

He takes another deep breath, "I only wanted you to yearn for me."

"All I do is yearn for you, only you. Always since I was ten. You really think my lapse in judgment was about wanting Fox? I yearned for you so badly..for a moment I wanted to close my eyes and imagine it was you."

"I don't like when men touch you."

"I don't like when you make me feel lonely!" I feel myself pouting, my chin quivering, and big desperate tears wetting my cheeks and I feel more enraged.

"I'll make it up to you."

"No. I should get used to this feeling." I say as I cover myself with the blanket. He snatches it away and tosses it to the floor.

I watch him as  crawls onto the bed the moment he reaches for me again I hop out.

"Go away. Go sleep in the master."

His patient expression seems forced like a parent trying to catch an unruly toddler, "Come here." He commands.


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