61. Art

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His eyes are closed and he breathes evenly through his nose. I watch him intently as I stop my side to side movement and begin to curl them against his g-spot.

"Fuuucck." He whispers as his ass picks up pace he pushes himself against my hand pulling me in.

His breathing gradually gets faster and shallow. He lifts his feet off the bed and slowly closes his leg as I feel him start to twitch like crazy against my fingers.

I place my arm across his legs and start pushing my knees against him to tilt him.

As I tilt him I whined my fingers and start to curl them downward.

He groans deeply so I push deeper. His legs start to tremble.

Fuck he is turning me on like crazy.

I part his legs and fuck him rougher with my fingers. Deep inside he slowly starts to contract.

"Fuuccckk Art." He groans.

He moves his ass backward and forward fucking my fingers. I lean down and spit against my fingers as I slowly pull them in and out to lubricate him.

"More." He commands and I push my fingers deep inside and take his dick into my mouth.

I swallow him up and he shudders as he loosens his asshole dilates tighter and tighter. I again move my fingers side to side.

He jolts and drops his feet against the bed and lifts his ass up off the mattress.

I take hold of his hip and push my fingers deeper against his g shot as I continue my side to side movement. I tighten my mouth around him and glide my tongue around his shaft.

He starts to squeeze my fingers deep inside.

"Harder Art I'm cuming." He says breathlessly and my head snaps up to look at him in disbelief.

I obey and move my fingers side to side faster as I push deeper.

His asshole goes crazy trying to suck me in. He picks up his pace moving his ass backward and forward.

I can't take it I pull my fingers out and swiftly push my dick deep inside.

I take control of his hips and fuck him hard.

He starts to moan breathlessly. I look down to where we meet and watch as I pull out and slam inside him.

Suddenly he ejaculates. Like projectile it splats up his stomach and onto his chest.

I halt to look down at him. We stare back at each other breathlessly.

"You ok?" I ask him.

"My heart is beating out of my chest. Can you die from cuming?"

"I ask myself that often." I say with a smile. I tap my finger on some of the cum on his stomach and take it into my mouth to taste him.

I earned this my right hand nearly died from cramping.

He smiles up at me as I take my finger from my mouth.

"Enjoying Yourself?" He asks.

"Very much. I think I earned that."

"You did. Can I have more?"

"Whether you want it or not. It's my turn to ruin you." I say as I reach down and glide the side of my hand down his chest and stomach collecting his cum in my palm.

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