52. -Fiat-

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"Why are you taking so many pictures?" Clover asks peering up at Art.

We are all sitting on the carpet in the nursery while Gear, Clover, and Mint show us the many things they purchased today. Gem hardly pays them any attention as she is engrossed in her task of drawing. I watch her momentarily but I can hardly tell what I'm looking at.

"Fiats baby book." He answers after a while.

"Really?" Mint asks.

"Yes. We still got a little over two weeks to fill it up. Did you take any pictures today at the baby store?" He asks.

"I did." Gear speaks up.

"Great, send them to me."

"You're really taking this seriously." Mint states.

"It's important to you, so it's important to him." I tell her.

She looks at me and slowly smiles.

Gear stands and looks down at all the toys and baby clothes scattered around us.

"We should probably start hanging the clothes and just leave this stuff in the closet until the furniture arrives. Do you need help washing them Mint?"

"The clothes?"

Gear nods.

"No. I got it. I'll start tomorrow."

"You have a lot of energy for a pregnant lady. You should rest more."

She smiles at him, "I do rest don't worry."

"Don't make us and take more rest." Clover speaks up.

Mint nods.

I watch as Gear leans down and picks up a bundle of clothes and heads for the closet.

Art follows and starts taking pictures of Gear hanging baby clothes.

"You are taking pictures of the most mundane things." Clover states.

"You think this is mundane?"  Mint asks.

"Going through shopping bags and hanging up clothes isn't mundane?"

"I don't think so. I think baby Fiat will like to see how hard you guys worked for him someday." Mint tells her.

Clover smiles and places her hand on Mints stomach. "I really can't believe this dude is showing up in the next like fourteen days."

"Are you nervous Fiat?" Gear asks from the closet.

Art steps out and snaps a few pictures of Gem while she draws.

"Less than I was." I say simply.

Art turns and smiles down at me. He drops his camera and leans down to sit beside me among the chaos. He picks up a plushy blue teddy bear and holds it against himself.

I reach over and take his camera. I lift it and take a picture of him. He tilts his head and his dimples pucker as he holds the teddy in his lap.

"It's so odd to wonder what this baby will think of us." Clover states.

"I think the idea of us and baby is odd." Gem says not turning from her task.

"Why?" Mint asks.

Gear steps out of the closet and we all look at each other.

Mint rolls her eyes, "Yes,  I know you are all homosexuals but you guys haven't thought of children?"

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