83. -Fiat & Art-

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I quickly dress him. It was not the easiest of tasks as he clings to me but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I love him this way. I love when he shows me everything.

I'm disappointed in myself for missing just how vulnerable he is. I carry him from my office and the moment I step out into the cubicle area all eyes are on us. I silently curse. Thank god Arts face is buried into my neck.

Ling fast walks toward me.

"I'm leaving for the day." I tell her as I walk past her ignoring the nosy onlookers.

"Yes Mr. Fiat but you're meant to speak with the board after lunch."

"Reschedule it. In fact reschedule everything I won't be in the office for the next few weeks."

Ling gasps but I don't care.

"I'm taking my family on vacation."

"What should I tell your mother?" She asks nervously as the elevator arrives and I step into it.

"Tell her I'll be back in a few weeks but if she needs me before then my phone will be on." I assume we are done talking but Lings eyes dart nervously from Arts back to my face.

I roll my eyes and reach over pressing the button for the first floor. But she still doesn't move and continues to obstruct the doors closing.

Sensing the awkward silence Art leans back to peer at my face.

"Is she going to make us stay?" Art whispers so only I hear.

"No one can make us do anything." I reassure him as I place my hand at the base of his neck and gently massage. He sighs at my touch and his head drops forward back into the safety of my neck.

I glare at Ling for making Art feel anxious once again.

"Anything else?" I snap and she flinches.

"She'll be upset." Ling says finally.

"Not at you. I suggest emailing her. Step back please."

Ling hesitantly takes a step back off the lift. It dings and the doors slowly close.

"I must look so insane." Art whines.

"Not to me. People will just think you aren't feeling well."

"You smell so nice."

"I know. Are you feeling less anxious?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Good. Go ahead and rest, we will be home soon."


He takes a deep content breath as his fingers gently comb and twirl the hair at the base of my neck.

"I'm hungry baby." He says a moment later before the elevator doors open. I step out and of course the entire lobby is available to watch us.

I'm so fucking irritated. Don't they know it's rude to fucking stare?

I want to say it aloud but instead I shove it down and urge myself not to meet anyones gaze.

"What for my love?" It takes everything in me to watch my tone so he won't look up to see just how many people are actually gawking.

"Pizza I think."

"Ok. We can order once we get home or do you want to stop?"

"Too tired."

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