38. -Art & Fiat-

392 21 9


Oh Fuck. I gulp as I listen to the bell going crazy. Really? My asshole is going ham like that?

I take a breath and try to pull in to control it.

It goes silent. Yes, I can do this.

That is until I feel Fiat grazing the belt up my inner thigh.

*Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding*


I feel the leather traveling up and against my balls and the bell goes crazy.

I breathe through my nose and try to ignore Fiat. That is until he brushes the leather against my erection.

*Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding*

"Are you ready Art?"


"Too bad, let's start. I'll count you down from five. Remember control your asshole for a whole minute and the punishment is over. 5-4"

I quickly ready myself pulling in and holding my breath.


Silence. Ok good start.

Suddenly, I feel Fiats lips on my ass cheek he licks and bites deeply.

I moan and *Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding*

"Oh so sad. You lasted less then ten seconds. I get to punish you."

*Crack* suddenly I feel a sting as the leather meets my ass cheek. I instantly shudder and feel my asshole dilate erratically.
Oh Fuck. My whole bodies inflamed.

"Let me help you get ready for the second round."
Fiat says as he pulls at the plug and fucks me with it.

I scratch at the headboard and moan aloud.

I feel me grasping for it. My body begs for more friction.

He pushes it in deep and my dick throbs. I lose my breath as the bell dings incessantly.

He settles it and gently kisses me against my stingy cheek.

"There let's start the second round. 3-2-1"

*Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.

"Oh, you lost already."


"Fuck!" I cry out as leather meets the opposite cheek.


-45 minutes Later-

"Babe you are really bad at this game." I say chuckling.

His breathing is shallow and he whimpers pitifully.

It's adorable and his ass is so red. I am near rabid with lust.

"Are you ready to resign?" I ask.

"Hell...No." He pants.

"You are so stubborn. Doesn't your ass hurt?"

"I'm not resigning."

"But you can't even stop your asshole moving for fifteen seconds. Listen, it's jingle bells in here."
I say as I walk around the bed and kneel to look at his face.

His skin is so flushed and his bangs are matted against his head.

"I....Just need to relax and breathe a little bit." He mutters breathlessly.

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