44. -Art & Fiat-

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Fiat parks the car and I groan inwardly. There is a brick in my stomach.

"Don't be nervous." He reminds me as I look out the window at the cafe.

"I still don't know where to even start." I say not looking at him.

Fiat takes my hand prompting me to meet his gaze.

"He just wants to know you are ok. Give him that. Benz is your friend first he will understand."

I take a breath and lean over to taste him.
Just a kiss from him makes me brave.

He holds my chin and pulls back.

"You are such a good boy. Be brave and face your friend. I'll be back to pick you up. "

I nod slowly. I wish he would come with me but I know it would only make things worse.

I step out of the car and watch him drive away taking all my bravery with him.

As I turn to enter the cafe I halt in my tracks. Benz is standing behind me with an odd expression I can't read.

Did he see us?

After a moment without saying anything he turns and walks into the cafe not even holding the door for me.

I take a deep breath and follow him.

Inside the cafe is mostly empty, Benz is seated in the farthest booth near the window.

He looks out at the street and doesn't look at me even when I take my seat across him.

I clear my throat. "How are you doing?"

He finally turns his head to look at me. "You care?"

"Of course I do."

"How? I haven't seen or heard from you in more than a month. You couldn't even bother to return a single call or text. That's how you care about me? Excuse me for taking your actions as you not giving a shit about our friendship or the work we do together. I thought we were partners."

"We are."

"No he is. How could you do this Art? He has a fiancé and a child on the way."

I take a deep breath and place my forehead against the table.

"Bennnzzzz" I whine.

"What mistress?"

I snap my head up to look at him.

"First and foremost, Harsh. Second, I like being a mistress. And third, if I told you that Fiat and I were caught up in some rich people k drama mess could you believe me? Trust me?" I finish with a pout.

Pretty please believe me.

His eyes squint at me, "What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means we have been friends long enough for you to know me better than that. I didn't call because I'm not at liberty to share information and I didn't want to lie to you. But Benz I was right Fiat loves me too much to betray me. And I love him way too much to abandon him. The situation as it is perceived is only temporary so can you hold back your judgments until things are revealed?"

He just stares at me for a long time. After a while he reaches into his messenger bag and places a huge stack of photos in front of me.

"You prepare the photo book for the London Ballet project. I know you like to review the physical photographs so I have labeled them all and emailed you copies. The final draft is due in a month so it can go to print. I would suggest getting your shit together you fucking asshole."

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