13. Art & Fiat

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Ugh, gross. Milo licks my face until I open my eyes.

"Is it breakfast or the potty?" I ask him and he whimpers in response.

"I'll take that as both."

Fiat is still asleep on my chest.

I remove myself and start the routine of morning.

I open the double doors letting the sun and the beach air in. Milo takes off like a bullet. Guess he needed the potty first.

I head to the kitchen to get his breakfast. By the time I have returned with his food and water bowl he is already waiting.

I place his bowls down and step outside to smoke. As I watch him eat I consider the events of yesterday.

**{My First Night With You}{by: Mya}

By the time I return to my bedroom Fiat is awake.

"Good morning." I start.

"Good morning."

"Are you feeling better?" I ask.

"I slept that helps."

"I'm glad. You can borrow anything, take a shower downstairs. Maybe try to be gone by the time I get out of the shower."

"Is that really what you want?"

"Stop asking me what I want. I want you to unfuck Mint and unfuck my life. Can't do that? Then your services are not needed." I say as I walk to my bathroom and close the door.

I hate him.

I stand under the hot water and try not to feel so frigid inside. I feel cold in my bones a deep bitter hollowness.

Am I dead?

The bathroom door opens and I look up to see Fiat walking in.

He takes off his briefs and enters the shower. I wrap my arms around myself.

What now?

"What do you want?"

He wraps his arms around me.
He leans in and whispers in my ear, "I have never fucked Mint. I have never cheated on you. I haven't touched you in seven months, tasted you, or fed you. Let me have what's mine."

His lips trace my neck as his hand strokes my dick slowly.
My body starts to tremble.

I hate him. But I haven't been touched in so long and my body quickly responds.

He bites into the nape of my neck and I shudder.



Fuck. He moans for me and my heart beat picks up pace.

I touch him gently and in response his dick quickly hardens in my hand.

I place my hand at the nape between his balls and his leg, I guide myself to the entrance of him the moment I break through my whole body shudders.

I bite deeply into the back of his neck and he moans aloud. I push myself as deep as I can go, my body is hungry for him.

I relish the taste of him around my dick.

"Fiat." He moans.

"Yes baby." I reply as I hold him tightly against me, I won't move a inch. I love him this way. He is mine.

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