41. -Art and Clover-

373 21 2

-Friday Night-


The moment I open the door for Gear and Clover I frown. Why? because they are frowning.

"Why are you frowning?" I ask.

They both shrug like children. I take a breath and step between them wrapping my arms around their necks.

"Stop worrying. It's a very happy occasion."

"How?" Clover asks.

"All you told us is come for dinner be nice to Mint." Gear says.

"Why the hell would we be nice to her?" Clover mutters into my neck.

I take a breath, "Because we are a family, and we are having a baby."

Gear scoffs into my chest, "Prove it, until then Mint still sucks."

"Yup." Clover adds.

I smile. I'm glad she's in the kitchen.

I pull them inside and notice for the first time Jay, Steel and Gem standing behind them. All look a little worried.

I deposit Clover and Gear and turn to them. I offer them a happy smile. "Come in. Everyone stop looking that way."

The moment Gem steps inside I hug her.

"This is how you greet me after so long? With frowns? Every time I went to your place you were out."

"I'm not frowning...anymore. Hello Artist." She says as she hugs me tighter.

"Where have you been?" I ask her.

"Looking for work. I followed your best friend all over France for a year. I seek employment."

"How strange I'm looking to hire you."

She pulls away to look at me. "Really?"

"It's a job. It's not long term or anything. Can I tell you about it after we talk?"

She nods.

I take a deep breath as I look at all of their faces. I'm strangely excited.

Everyone is here, Fiat, Jay, Steel, Gear, Clover, Gem, and Mint sit in front of me filling up the couches in the living room.

I smile as they all blink at me like curious children. This is the family. I'll fill my parents in later.

"Stop smiling like a goofy ghoul and speak." Gear says.

I laugh, "Fair enough."

I reach for the remote and I turn on the big screen.

The moment I press play and Fiat Jr appears on the huge screen I smile again.

I step aside to gauge their reactions.

Clovers and Gears eyes go huge. They look at each other for only a moment then both turn back to the screen and stand in unison.

They both slowly smile.

"Why does he look like Fiat?" Clover asks with tears in her eyes.

Gears dimples pucker and my heart melts.

I pause the video perfectly stilling on baby Fiats face.

I wink at Mint and she smiles.

"Ok guys it's a simple riddle. Who does Fiat look like?" I ask them smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

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