43. -Fiat & Art-

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The moment they reappear hand and hand I smile and look down at my plate like I didn't see.

Family maker is an accurate description. How is he so magic? I look around the table and I'm so happy.
My son will be terrorized by these bunch of fucking lunatics.

I lean at the doorway and watch Gear, Clover, Gem, and Art talking and laughing. Planning and plotting.

Jay comes up and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" He asks and I smile harder.

"I'm so happy I could die."

"You better not Art would kill you."

Steel steps out from behind him and leans against the opposite side.

"This is insane." He says.

I gaze at Art, he isn't even paying me any attention and he still fills me.

"Dude it's super fucking creepy how you stare at him." Steel says.

I can't help but laugh.

"Not used to it? He has stared at Art that way since we were kids." Jay says to Steel.

"Why would I get used to that? I see why he sought a restraining order."

Jay laughs.

"I don't care. I'm marrying him and we are going to have a village full of children." I say.

"Ugh, Gag. Have you no shame being so cheesy?" Steel asks.

"Nope. Enough of this engagement. I think we have sold it enough. Next week I'll marry Mint and start the fucking clock. I want to hurry up and be divorced so I can give him the wedding of his dreams."

"Or not."

We all turn and notice Mint is standing behind us.

"I don't think we should do that." She says.


"Get married. Fiat wanted our son to have his name. Both of his sons do. He wanted us to be taken care of. I feel very taken care of. It's enough. He was worried that I would be alone. I'm not. He was worried I couldn't support our child. I'm going back to school. All his wishes are fulfilled. Plan your wedding with Art."

I blink at her as she pulls the ring from her finger. She takes my hand and places the ring in my palm.

"I'm breaking up with you, don't be too heartbroken." She says smiling.

I'm completely caught of guard. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. You have given me so much. I am so grateful. I don't need anything else. I'm happy, my child is going to be happy. I feel my Fiat all the time and I know he is so proud of you. He would be happy with how things turned out. You are such a good son, he told me that so many times. You have nothing to prove. You're the best son anyone could have. I'm so grateful my child will have a father like you." She says with fuzzy eyes.

My chest tightens I can't speak. I wrap my arms around her. "Thank you." I mutter.

"No. Thank you, for too much."

My head spins, but I can't help but smile. I lean back to look at her. I look behind me and Gear, Clover, Gem, and Art still talk fully animated.

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