95. Fiat & Art

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The cool breeze flows through my black linen suit cooling me down as I wait with the islands official magistrate under an arch made with wild flowers and vines. Apparently,  it was constructed and completed within the time the workers had arrived. They are so worth every dime I'm paying, beyond efficient.

I take another look around and am met with the same awkward glances that met me only moments ago.

"I'm the one getting married. Why do you guys look nervous?" I ask the group of bodies standing awkwardly around me.

"Whose nervous?" Mint asks awkwardly and I roll my eyes.

I walk over and take my son from her, "Everyone but my son is being weird." I complain.

"It's rude to surprise someone with a wedding. You'll be lucky if he doesn't go runaway bride on you." Clover chimes and I roll my eyes.

"He won't." I say as I smile at my mini me who is wearing a matching mini version of my outfit and not being fussy bout it.

The fabric is really light and I didn't dare cover his neck or feet. He's all gummy smiles and baby talk presently.

"Are you wishing your dad luck?" I ask as I dig in and kiss his neck to get as many giggles as I can.

Why am I so nervous?

"He's ready." Gear calls out from the gazebo and we all turn to look at his head peaking out of the curtains.

I take a deep breath as an involuntary smile takes over my face.

"It's time." I say and everyone moves to take their places.

Benz waits with his camera outside the curtains while Arts mother waits a few feet away. Jay and Steel both take their places behind me as Clover and Gem wait across from me leaving room for Art.

We all look up at the sound of someone leaving the gazebo but it's only Gear.

He laughs, "It's only me." He says as he signals to the guitar player to start playing.

The young girls with the flower baskets scurry to take their places just in time as Art steps out from the curtains. I feel a tremor in my heart beat and I remind myself to take my next breath.

The young girls start to sprinkle petals at his feet to guide him to the alter as his mother hands him the bouquet-also freshly made.
She then takes her place beside him. His dad does the same as they both take a moment to kiss their son.
I don't even have to look at his face to know my baby is crying. It's no surprise that when our eyes finally meet that his face is flushed red and his eyes are glossy.

I just didn't expect I would cry too. But every step he takes towards me my heart thuds in time and the image of him gets fuzzy.

That is until my son touches my face.

"Do you want me to take him?" Mint steps toward me but I shake my head and pull her to stand directly behind me.

"He's just trying to comfort me." I reassure her as I brush a quick kiss on Juniors chubby cheek before looking back to Art.

The family of three stops just feet away. Niren, Arts father steps forward first.

"On this day we give to you our one and truly beloved son. In exchange we expect three things." He starts.

I nod in acknowledgement.

"To call us Mom and Dad as you always have." Malai starts.

"Yes Mom."

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