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**{Honeymoon Ends}{by: Sabrina Carpenter}

He nudges himself against me and wraps his arms around me.

I always lose against him. But I rarely feel sore. How could I? My brat completes me.

I don't know what woke me but I felt anxious. When my eyes opened to find him not beside me the anxiety grew.

I tried the guest door and it was locked.

I didn't use a butter knife I used the key that he forgot exists.

I noticed the wine and reminded myself to remove all trace of alcohol from the house.

I hate when he drinks because of me.

I crouch down beside and watch him sleep. His face is streaked with tears.

In that moment I realize I own more of his tears than anything else.

His eyebrow twitches and his eyes slowly open.

The moment he sees me he flinches then scowls.

He turns from me and rolls away.

Doesn't he know we can't sleep apart ever again?

"What are you thinking about so loudly?" He asks me.

"I never want us to sleep apart, and I don't want you to drink anymore."

"Like forever?"

"Never when you're sad or angry. Not to feel numb."


"Don't sleep apart from me."

"I'll try. It hurt to lay beside you tonight."

"It hurts not to lay beside you. I felt anxious."

"I think we are both traumatized from being apart so long. I thought I did forgive you until you ignored me."

"I'm so sorry. I'm really mad at you too. I keep thinking about how powerless I felt when I saw you two together. The moment he wrapped you in his sweater and you called me your ex to my face I think I died a little."

"I meant to kill you a little. The way you killed me." He admits.

"I don't want to punish you, I just don't want to be afraid of losing you."

"I never want to feel as alone as I did when I did lose you."

"You never lost me."

"I didn't know that. It was very real to me."

"I have a lot to make up to you, at the start of this I hoped and prayed that you would believe in me."

"I do."

"Not enough."

"Are you being fair?" He asks.

"Not at all. But it hurts. You called me your ex in-front of a guy you planned on sleeping with."

"I can't change that."

"I can't change that I was a coward for five months. I was terrified if I said the wrong thing you wouldn't come back. I missed you everyday but I didn't know what to do."

"Can I tell you?"


"Get on a plane and come get me. If I never saw her first, if you didn't build doubt in me with your absence. If you came to me and told me Art walk into hell with me. I would've asked baby will we burn? If you told me no...I would believe you."

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