70. -Art-

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"Why are you so perfect?" I ask him as a gently stroke his cheek. The doctor was right it's been barely three weeks and he has nearly doubled his weight. He was already a bit of a chunky baby and getting fuller in the most adorable way.

"I could just eat these cheeks." I tell him as I poke his cheek. He giggles and I just about melt.

"Is my baby ticklish?" I ask as I poke my finger into his neck and he giggles more.

"Oh my gosh. You're ticklish just like me." I lean in and give him a raspberry against his neck and he giggles more.

"Is your tumtum ticklish too?" I say as I poke his belly and he giggles again.

"You're just a silly giggly baby aren't you?"

I hear the front door open and I take a sigh of relief.

"You're daddy's home." I whisper.

I missed my big baby. I didn't want to leave him after lunch but he insisted. How strange is it when I was with Fiat Senior at the company I missed my baby Fiat. But when I came home to baby Fiat I worry about Fiat Senior.

He steps into the doorway and my heart gets so happy.

"Hi honey I'm home." He tells me and I smile.

"Hi baby, We missed you too much." I tell him as I rock baby Fiat in my arms.

He walks over to the couch and sits beside me.

Fiat smiles and reaches over to poke Junior in the tummy.

Junior immediately starts to giggle. "Why isn't my son wearing any clothes?" Fiat asks as he reaches over and takes Junior from my arms.

"He went through far too many onesies today. I cut him off. You're lucky you missed the last diaper change it was very runny."

"Hmm. Glad to be kept in the loop."

He gently strokes Juniors wispy hair and my heart melts again.

Mint walks in and sighs.
"Time for a feeding." She says with a pout.

"How are you feeling?"

"I ache." She admits.

"We can do formula. Take a break."

"I feel bad when I don't feed him."


"Breast Milk is always better."

"And he has gotten a lot. He has already outgrown the first set of onesies. He has like doubled in size. He can have formula Mint."

Mint nods. "You're right. It isn't a big deal."

"It isn't. Want me to make it?" I ask her.

"I'll make it. Can you feed, burp, and put him down. Dinner is almost done."

"Deal. I got it."

"You are literally the best." She tells me as she turns out of the doorway.

"I'll do it." Fiat offers.

"Want me to help?"

"No. I got it. Wait for me and we can go take a bath."

I stand up and he looks up at me. Jeez my man is so handsome. I can't help myself I take hold of his face with both my hands and kiss him.

One day you'll be my husband...Mints first though.

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