86. -Fiat-

245 17 6


What is paradise?

I'm so relaxed and gooey with contentment. I yawn as I open my eyes. Art is asleep on my left shoulder with his nose in my neck. His arm lays against my stomach. Junior is asleep on my chest.

It's perfectly warm and sunny in paradise. We fell asleep on the daybed listening to the calming waves of the ocean.

Milo barks off in the distance as he plays in the crystal clear water.
I chuckle to myself as I recall him bringing Art the gift of a giant crab just earlier.

Art literally jumped into my arms from fear.

This is paradise. I don't dare move. I stare up at the shaded canopy and smile to myself.

Art moans softly and pushes his nose deeper into my neck. He lets out a content sigh as my arm snakes behind him to hold him tighter.

Again I repeat this is paradise.

"Fiat?" He moans in his sleep.

"Yes Baby?"


"Yes baby?"

"Crab." He mutters.

I chuckle as I bury my nose in his hair to breathe his scent into my lungs.


Mint appears above me. She peers down at us upside down before lifting her phone above us to take a picture.

She sighs, "I'm putting this one in Fiats baby book." She says as she walks around to take a seat at the foot of the daybed. I take note of her flowing cover up, wide brim hat, and sunglasses.

"Isn't it full yet?"

She nods as she removes her hat and glasses before placing them aside. "The first one is but Art bought a second book meant to document his first year. That one's full too. I'll need another."

"You could frame some." I suggest.

"I bought some frames. I was thinking of putting them up around the house."

"Why haven't you?"

"I didn't know if I could change things. Your mother decorated everything in that house."

"You can redecorate it. I don't care for the style and I bet Art doesn't either. Change anything you want. You are the woman of that house. Not my mother."

"Me? Redecorate, are you sure?"

"Why don't you get to work as soon as we get back. Presently we have a contractor and interior designer working on Art and mines bathroom while we are away. I'll forward their contact information to you if you need any help."

"You're changing your bathroom?"

"Yes. Art wants a infinity tub."

"Can I have an infinity tub?" She asks excited.

"If you want. You're redecorating remember. You're in charge."

Mint literally squeals in excitement.
"Thank you."

"Stop thanking me." I remind her for the umpteenth time.

"I can't help it. You, Art, Junior, and even your friends make me so happy." She admits.

"They're yours too. Please take them away."

She shakes her head before looking out at the water.
"I thought I would be heartbroken forever." She says mostly to herself.

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