27. -Fiat & Art-

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I place his suit at the edge of the bed and watch him for a moment as he sleeps.

I have no idea what to expect from this day but he isn't the only one that gets anxious. My mother definitely won't like this but I will sacrifice almost anything but him. He is mine, just for me I will never let him go.

I lean into bed and kiss him gently.

"Wake up baby. You don't want to be late on your first day."

He moans softly and slowly opens his eyes.

He smiles and I kiss him again.

He tries to deepen the kiss and I swiftly pull away.

I jump back off the bed.

"Wear this suit. I'll get ready in the spare be ready by the time I come back."


Is the first thing I think when I come back to our bedroom.

Mr. Artist looks mighty fucking good in a suit, he looks good naked too.

He leans against the doorway of our closet I want to eat him up.

"Hello handsome." He says in the way that always boils my blood.

"Hey yourself handsome." I return.

I close all distance between us as I peer down at him. He bites his lip and arches his eyebrow as he searches my face.

He wants me to kiss him.

I lean in very close and lick his lips before swiftly turning and entering the closet.

"What the hell?" He snaps.

I laugh to myself, you won't get me today you damn brat.

I walk over to the drawer that holds my watches and pull it open.

"Come here Artist." I call.

"This Artist shit so early in the morning, fucking ruthless." He half mumbles.

I smile, at least that is getting under his skin.

"When did you move these things back in here?" He asks.

"The day after I kidnapped you."


"I was hoping you would come home on your own."

"I'm sorry baby."

I turn to him his brows are furrowed.

Guilt, that's something at least.

I reach up and start to remove the diamond studs I gave him for his last birthday from his ears.
I drop them into the drawer and pick up the dark platinum huggie earrings I gave him long ago.

I do the necklace next, the bracelet, then the ring.

When I finish with the Rolex he finally asks, "Why are you putting those back on? You haven't branded me this way in forever."

"This is the first time in forever you needed reminding that you're owned. Take any of it off and I'll make you pay."

"How? It might be worth it." He says tilting his head.

I take a breath and adjust my tie.

In a moment I swiftly take hold of his neck and push him against the door.

"Don't fuck with me Artist. You will regret it."

He laughs, "Do it more."

I smile and shake my head, "No, I'll do it a lot less. If you want to lose all privileges and live like a fucking monk keep fucking testing. I'll never make you cum again."

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