34. -Fiat-

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He stares at me in the dark with the biggest and cutest of grins.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask him.

"That baby has your face."


"And it's too cute. A baby Fiat."

"Are you excited?"

"I think I am. Don't get me wrong this is some super fucked up rich people kdrama inspired mess. But it makes me excited to see a baby with your face."

My heart melts to a puddle, "I love you."

"Why are you saying that?"

"Do you get why I have to do this?"

"You don't want him to feel like you did when you were younger."

I nod.

"He won't, that kid is going to be so fucking spoiled."

I laugh, "You think?"

"I know. I'm almost jealous of Fiat Jr."

"I can spoil you both."


"I promise."

His eyes drift to my Adam's apple, "I think that's what I was afraid of."


"Sharing you, becoming less important to you."

"And now?"

"I guess I'm ok with it."

"Why all of a sudden?"

"I guess the not knowing put me on edge. How can I have a place if I don't know what's going on?"

"Do you have a place?"

"Im gonna be an uncle."

"You're gonna be a dad."

His eyes go big, "I'm going to be a dad? That's insane."

"My son will see us together as a couple. You're not my brother, we will be married one day. How can my son call you uncle?"

"That is a lot to digest in one sitting."

"You have about three weeks, maybe."

"Yikes. That is scary. Are you excited?"

I consider this, "I don't think it will be real until I see his face."

"We did see his face."

"Touch his face then."

"Whoa trippy." He mutters.

I lean up and flip us over. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as he strokes my hair.

"Goodnight baby." I tell him before his heartbeat lulls me to sleep.



My alarm goes off and I quickly reach for my phone so it won't wake Art.

I sit my phone down and look beside me Art and Milo are both gone.

I know it's irrational but I immediately get anxious. He doesn't usually wake up before me.

I hop out of bed and peer into the bathroom.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now