19. -Art-

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-Day 3-

A warm hand touches my cheek. I open my eyes and am greeted by Clovers smiling face.

"Hi." She says sweetly.

I smile at her, "Hi. How can you be this pretty this early?"

She rolls her eyes, "I'm always pretty."

I slowly sit up, "True."

I look beside me and Fiat isn't in bed.

"Where is he?" I ask her.

"In the living room staring into space."

"Did he talk to you?"

"He greeted me but barely. Have you gotten him to take his pills?"

I shake my head.

"Any progress?"

"I don't know if it counts or matters but he did fuck me with a lot of vigor yesterday."

"That's good having sex increases Serotonin and Dopamine levels." She says smiling.

"Is that a fun fact or have you been doing research?"

"Both. Fuck him more."

"All ready on the case."

"When do you think he will be ready to go back to work. His mother is pissed and she's bound to make her way here."

"I really don't know and she should come here. She caused this." I say scornfully.

"Caused how?"

"Because of her Fiat will always feel like a lost boy. She's the reason he never feels like he matters."

"You hate her?"

"I won't say that because Fiat loves her but I am not a fan. She isn't a fan of me either."


"So long as I'm around she can't control and manipulate her son."

"Hmm." Clover says as she contemplates something.


"Whats happening must have something to do with her. Who else could convince Fiat to be a part of this farce?"

"Maybe his father. Fiat always seeks the recognition he never got as a child from both of his parents. Especially that wicked mother of his. She is the root cause of a-lot of his pain but he never has the heart to blame her."

"I'll blame her."

"Me too. She sucks." I say rolling my eyes.

"Do you need anything?"

I shake my head.

"How is Milo?" I ask and immediately feel guilty.

"Definitely missing his parents. He whines and waits by the door a lot."

"Oh man,  my poor baby. Both my poor babies. Milo and Fiat. Tell him I'll come as soon as I can. Give him lots of treats from me and don't make him do tricks."

"You spoil him."

"He deserves it. He is literally the best hairy dog son in the world. I hate that he isn't with me."

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