32. -Art-

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My stalker hovers over me I feel it. I slowly open my eyes and look up at him.

He sits on his knees on the bed gazing at me.

"Good morning baby." He says sweetly.

I groan, "How could it be a Good Morning? We slept like three hours."

"Whose fault is that?  I only initiated round one."

I take a breath and sit up.
"Good morning my love."

He smiles and leans in to kiss me.
I push at his chest, "I need to shower, your dna is all over me."

"Inside you?"

"There too. Want to wash me?"

He nods, and before I can say anything he scoops me up and carries to the bathroom.

When we get back I notice that my suit is already hanging up behind the closet door.
It's a raspberry three piece skinny suit.

"Wow that is a loud suit for being the CEOs mistress."

He comes up behind me and kisses me on my neck.

"That's the point. You will never be a mistress. I will never hide you, it's a message."

"To who?"

"Who do you think?"

I study his face, "Your mother?"

"Yes. I really don't like how she has gone out of her way to make this more uncomfortable for you. I won't hide you. We have be careful at the office, don't be too obvious but your not leaving my side or hiding."

"Yes baby."

"Ok, before you get dressed pack your suitcase. We have to go to the big house after work today."

I nod, "And pick up Milo right?"

"Yes. We will pick him up before going there."

My heart gets happy. I haven't seen my Milo in too many days. I don't want him to think we forgot about him.

Fiat kisses me on the cheek. "Still feel guilty?" He asks.

I nod.

"Then let's buy him lots of treats and new toys."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being."

-This day is so freaking boring. The only time it isn't are the moments I find him staring at me.

His gaze is insanely possessive. I love it. I'll wear anything he wants me to wear. I'm completely covered up but when he looks at me that way I feel completely naked. Vulnerable and waiting to be eaten up by my hungry wolf.

-Gear, Clover, and I look out at the office.

"How are we supposed to figure anything out this way?" Gear asks.

Clover and I look to each other.

"We won't ." We say together.

We have been standing here for two long. I suspect people will start thinking I'm not the only spy.

A moment later Sonia turns the corner and heads straight for us. I take a breath and straighten my back.

"What are you three doing?" She asks while eyeing us suspiciously.

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