7. -Art-

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Ugh. I throw my head back and take a deep frustrated breath. Simmering, I slowly count back from ten. When I have pushed my rage deep down I look back at the clerk.

The fourth that I have spoken to. Two clerks, two managers.

He eyes me like I'm batshit.

"And you say the CEO of-

"Yes! Is stalking me. I need a restraining order. Preferably to be served before end of business day. He tends to start his stalking around early evening."


"Yes, the very same. I have been here for hours. Can you help me please?"

"Why do you think he is stalking you?"

"I don't think he is stalking me. He is actually stalking me."

"For what purpose?"

"Why should I tell you that? Shouldn't you ask as you serve him?"

"The same man on the news?"


"Stalking you?"


"Do you have a history of mental health issues?"

Rage! I'm about to go FUCKING POSTAL!

I take a deep breath.

"Is he stalking you through the t.v?


"How does he stalk you?"

"In person, aggressively. He puts his hands on me and follows me around."

"You're telling me he is the CEO during the day and stalks you at night?" He speaks irritatingly slow.


"Why you?"

"Ask him, I don't know. Maybe he thinks I owe him money."

"Do you?"

"Does that matter?"


"Yes, no whatever answers help serve him to stay away from me."

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to call my manager."

"I thought you were the manager."



"It's alright, I'll take care of this."
I look up at the sound of Fiat's voice.


I blink at him all dressed up in his spiffy suit.

"Thank you for notifying me."

"Is that legal?!" I snap at the clerk.

Fiat reaches down and takes my elbow firmly pulling me up from my seat.

"Are you kidding me? Look, look, he is stalking me right now! He has his hands on me! Look, proof in front of your eyes. You're witnessing stalking." I say desperately to the clerk.

He blinks at me and squirms in his seat awkwardly.

"Time to go, stop bothering these busy people." Fiat says to me like I'm a mental patient.

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