46. -Art-

431 21 8



Gear, Clover, and I walk through the mall on our way to the baby mega store. But I feel super bummed.

"What's wrong with you?" Clover asks me after a while.

I take a deep breath and smile at her, "I'm craving a cigarette but Fiat threatened me."

"I'm threatening you too, you better not smoke."

"I won't." I say as I stuff my hands in my hoody.

Gear suddenly loops his arm around mine as Clover walks ahead.

"Is that really it?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I lie.

I'm not telling anyone that I can't figure out how to make my boyfriend cum.

Through penetration obviously. It's humiliating.

He always makes me cum, a lot.
Why can't I?

I'm not as big as him, but I'm not small. I definitely must be hitting his g-Spot but no matter how long I do it he doesn't climax. What am I missing?

I look up to see Clover has stopped at a jewelry station.

"Are you getting something?" Gear asks.

"Nope. I just can't help myself." She says peering into the glass case.

"How about you Art?" Gear asks as I skim the selection.

"It doesn't hurt to look, I have no idea what I'm getting Fiat for our anniversary." I tell him.

"Oh yeah, it's coming up." Clover says.


"What are you getting me?" She asks and I frown.


"Yes really you didn't just meet Fiat that day you bitch." She says feigning hurt.

I laugh, "I'm sorry, did I offend you?"

"Very fucking much."

"Fine, I'll get you something pretty."

She smiles, "Yay."

I notice a pair of really pretty diamond studs that remind me of the ones that Fiat got me for my last birthday.

I look into the display mirror. He still won't let me change out of my branding jewelry.

"How do guys think I would look with double pierced ears?" I ask.

Gear moves to my left while Clover takes my right. We all look into the mirror.

"Hot as Fuck." Gear says.

I look at him and smile as his dimples pucker. He is too adorable. I tilt my head and place my hand on his shoulder, "I trust you, you are...super fucking gay."

"Thank you, so are you slut."

I smack his arm, "That's a fucking secret you dick! Only Fiat can call me that."

He laughs out loud and steps away from me. I catch him and wrap my arms around him from behind.

"Don't touch me slut." He says laughing.

I squeeze him harder. "Aye, Aye break it up boys we are in public and adults." Clover chastises as she moves to pull us apart.

She breaks us up and a Gear sticks his tongue out at me.

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