23. -Art & Fiat-

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My body is so sore. I fucking love it.

I watch him intently as he rebrands me.

I gently stroke his hair. "Babe, it's time to take your medicine." I tell him.

He sucks deeply and glides his tongue before gently kissing me against my new bruise.

He looks up at me and smiles.

"Are you proud?" I ask him.

He nods, "Some of my best work."

He pushes himself off the bed and leaves the room. A moment later he returns with a glass of water and his pills. I watch him as he takes them and again I sigh inwardly relieved.

Thank you baby, I think to myself.

He places his glass down on the nightstand and  crawls back into bed.

I lean over and lay my head on his chest.

" Are you sore?" He asks me.

"Yes, thank you."

"For making you sore?"

"Yes, I can still feel you all over me."

He kisses me at the top of my head taking a moment to inhale.

"I'm going to plan a vacation for us." He says.

I smile, "To where?"

"Anywhere you want to go. Maybe a deserted island just you and I."

"Sounds peaceful, I have really grown to love the beach."

He is quiet for a moment.

"Can I ask you something?"

I wrap my arms tighter around him, "Yes Baby." I reply.

"Nothing happened...with that man right?" He asks.

My body immediately goes rigid.

I swallow, "Not really." I mutter.

"Not really, or no?"

I take a moment, "He was kind to me. Held me when I was so sad I couldn't get of bed."

"Is that all?"

"Fiat, Can we forget about it? Isn't it the past?"

"It's something I think about. Tell me the truth please."

"Nothing really happened, for a moment almost maybe but it didn't happen."

"What do you mean?"

"Days after you left, it just hurt too much. I wanted to feel something else."


"I thought for a moment..maybe."

"You changed your mind?"

"I think I would have, but Clover got there first. I swear you guys have the worst or most perfect timing."

"You...were going to go to bed with him?"

"I considered it..momentarily."

He is quiet for a moment.

"Is that everything? Is that all?"

My hair prickles uncomfortably.

"I...Kissed him goodbye."

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