39. -Art-

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"And you don't think this is a bit of an over reaction?"

He grins, "Are you comfy?"

I scowl at him, "What do you think?"

Fiat has bound my ankles together, my knees together. There is rope wrapped between my legs around my hips, waist, midsection, around my shoulders. He finishes off the last knot binding my wrists.

I take a deep breath.

"And what did I do to deserve this?"

"You should probably stop being so adorable so I don't need to lock you up. Can you bend your knees?"

I bend my knees toward my chest and put my arms above my head. He smiles very pleased with himself.

"Perfect, it's exactly how I imagined. Ready to play?"

I groan. "Can't you just waterboard me instead?"

"Not a chance." He says as he kneels bedside.

He takes hold of the ropes at my hips and pulls me to the edge of the bed.

I flinch the moment his lips gently graze my tender behind.

I never expected he would actually take a belt to me. It was so hot and the sting I feel every time he touches me goes straight to my dick.

I'm counting down moments until he is satisfied he has tormented me enough to fuck me to death. I sigh, What a way to go.

I gauge his amusement by the glint in his eyes. I catch his gaze and his eyes twinkle with amusement.
His tongue grazes my behind, swirling and gently kissing me.

My body breaks out in goosebumps. He is the devil my asshole is going crazy.

He inches ever closer but the moment he licks me balls to asshole I groan in agony.

My body aches from arching for so long, my butt cheeks radiate heat, and I have been hard so long my dick throbs. I can feel my heartbeat against it.

And still my butthole betrays me.

"Fuck. Me. Please. Sir."

"No problem." He says as he pushes his tongue inside.

Instantly I begin to tremble. I try to move away but when I do the ropes seem to tighten adding  intense friction against my already sensitive skin.

"I meant with your dick." I moan.

But I am powerless it feels so fucking good my dick throbs with tension.

"Babbby." I whine.

"Yes?" He answers still licking at me.

"Make me cum please." I say in the way I know drives him crazy.

He pushes his tongue in deeper and groans while I moan desperate with need.

He leans back and winks at me before pushing his fingers deep inside me.

I lose my breath as my whole body flushes. He fucks me roughly and pushes his fingers deep curling them.

I bite my lip already feeling the tension about to snap.

"Harder." I beg.

In response he quickens his rough deep pace while he sucks on my balls.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now