94. Art

156 11 2

Art continued...

I roll my eyes and reach for the strap of Benz's camera.

He swiftly slaps the back of my hand and steps back.

"Hell No drunkie."

I frown and he laughs at me.

Then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cellphone and drops it into the crook of my lap.

"My phone and case are waterproof. Go crazy." He says before swiftly running away before I can say anything.

Fiat laughs out loud as we walk over to the shallow shore of the spring.

I take hold of Benz's phone as Fiat moves further into the pool and my toes start to glide in the cool water.

"Do you want to swim across on your own?" He asks me when the water starts to deepen.

I swivel my neck to look at him with a deadpan expression.
"I don't remember agreeing to swim," I say flippantly and he scoffs.

He leans in and kisses my forehead to placate me.

"Fine, my spoiled Fiancé." He says as he pulls my arms from around his neck. He swiftly turns away from me before pulling my arms back around his neck.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he starts to glide further into the pool.

I thought he would struggle more with me on his back but as always my weight is never a burden.

I smile at the thought of him carrying me even when we are both old and grey.

Fiat swims across the entire pool to reach the rocks and waterfall on the other side.

The sound of the water gets louder the closer we get and by the time we reach the other side it's like we are completely alone.

The water starts to shallow out until Fiat is walking once again.

He bounces me once signaling me to let go. I glide in the water only a second before taking a seat against a huge flat rock that is mostly submerged.

"You're seriously not going to swim with me?" He asks.

"I'm drunk. I hate to swim when I'm drunk."


"It isn't safe."

"You're always safe with me."

I smile as I reach over and fist the wet hair at the top of his head and quickly kiss him.

When I lean back he's smiling.

"Take your swim trucks off." He orders and I roll my eyes.

I place my fingers against his forehead and push gently, "Not a chance horn dog."

Then I lean back and position myself comfortably on the hard rock as I lift my face towards the sunlight.

"It's so beautiful here." I say mostly to myself as Fiat swims nearby.

"I knew you would love it. There's actually more to see off the property."

"Who cares. This is enough." I say as I open my eyes to look at him.

He steps beneath the water fall and my eyebrow raises as I watch the water cascade against his body.

It is at this moment that I wish he was naked.

He turns to look at me with a knowing smirk. He leans forward and steps out of his shorts and tosses them onto the rocks nearby.

My mouth dries watching his semi hard dong move freely in nature.

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