36. -Art-

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"You can go wait for me downstairs baby. I have a quick phone call to make." Fiat tells me as I loom at his office door.

It is officially 5:04pm and I'm getting impatient. I nod as he picks up his phone.

I sigh as I head towards the elevator.

Once I'm outside I feel a little less constricted I am not used to corporate life.

Don't get me wrong I love being here for him but he really needs to hire me so I at least have something to do.


I hear my name and I turn to see Grey leaning against a pillar at the smoking section.

I walk over. "What are you doing here so late?" I ask him.

"Late delivery. I couldn't locate the recipient. I'm waiting to see if maybe he comes out."

"Who is it?"

"A Mr. Singh."

I shrug, "Sorry don't know him."

I watch him intently as he smokes.

He grins, "Want one?"

"So desperately. I quit suddenly but I crave one every time I'm bored."

I walk over and lean beside him against the pillar.

He reaches into his jacket and retrieves one from his box.

For some unknown reason he steps forward and turns himself to face me.
He brings the cigarette to my lips. At first I just blink at him.

I reach up and take it from his fingers instead of opening my mouth for him which it seems he wanted me to.

He chuckles, "You're  kinda of adorable."

I smile awkwardly, "I have been told." I say as I place the cigarette between my lips.

In response Grey takes a step closer and places his hand flat against the marble beside my head he leans forward and touches his lit end to mine lighting it.

I puff in and smoke instantly fills my mouth.

All of a sudden the cigarette is taken out from between my lips.

Do I need to tell you how?

We saw this coming.

I turn and peer up at Fiat nervously.

"Oh Hello Sir." I say innocently as he tosses the cigarette aside.

His face is unreadable as he turns to Grey.
"Why are you here so late?"

Grey takes two steps back from me.

"I'm delivering a letter but I couldn't find the recipient."

"No wonder, is this usually how you search?" Fiat says coldly.

Grey blushes, "No sir, it's after five. I will return tomorrow."

"You do that. Leave that way." Fiat says tilting his head.

Grey smiles awkwardly and quickly turns to leave.

The moment we are alone I look at the ground. Even so his gaze is penetrating my skin.

Fiat walks over to stand inches from my face.

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