60. -Fiat & Art-

521 16 1




He stands with his hands in his pockets as his dick fills my mouth. I love the weight of him against my tongue.

He tastes so fucking good. I am his cum slut. I suck his dick like I haven't tasted it so many times before.

I tasted it this morning, and already I'm ravenous to have him cum down my throat again.

My dick throbs as I take his dick deep into my throat. I move my hand from my thigh and touch myself.

He suddenly fists the hair at the back of my head and tugs my head back.

I peer up at him breathless. "Can't you control yourself for a moment? Did I say you could touch yourself?"

I drop my hand away.

"No sir."

"Do only as I tell you and nothing else. Am I understood?" He says sternly.

"Yes Sir."

He releases my hair and takes a hold of his tie that is around my neck. He wraps it around his fist as he walks around me pulling me along towards the bed.

He takes a seat at the edge of the bed as he leans back pulling me forward between his thighs.

He lets go of the tie and positions himself on his elbows.

"Continue." He commands and I continue sucking.

I lap at him as my whole body starts to ache in arousal.
I want to be touched so badly. I want his hands all over me. But the taste of him temporarily sates me.

I suck faster as I fuck him with my throat.

"Slow down." He states and I halt before starting a slow pace.

"Slower. Savor it." He demands.

I take him out of my mouth and slowly lick at him instead. I lick the length his shaft and around the tip. I release his balls from his underwear and suck them slowly before taking them both inside my mouth.

"Good boy. Just like that don't stop." He tells me.

I lose track of how long I have been doing it when he sits up.

I sit back on my legs and watch him.

He takes a breath and runs his fingertips slowly up my neck and behind my head. His fingers scratch at my scalp as he leans toward my face with a smile.

"What am I gonna do with you? Are you so eager to please me?" He asks breathlessly.

I feel like I'm getting eaten alive by his gaze. I slowly nod.


"I love it when you're happy. I'll do anything for you."


"Yes. Mr. Art do every and anything you want to me. Just please mark me, own me, and cum deep inside me." I plead.

He places his forehead against mine and groans.

"Do you understand now why I hate it when anyone else calls me that?"

"You do?"

"Very fucking much. It's a crime against how you call me that so desperately."

His fists tighten in my hair as he leans in and kisses me.

He pulls me forward as he starts to devour.
He is making me breathless.

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