12. Fiat & Art

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When I enter the kitchen his back faces me as he busies himself cleaning off the counter.

I stand behind him and observe for longer than I know. Slowly building the courage to speak impossible words.

The scene replays again and again. Art was going to let that man kiss him?

"Are you sleeping with that man?" I ask after a while.

My Art?

Art clears his throat but doesn't turn around.

"Where is Milo?"

"I put him in the bathroom."

He turns off the water and wipes his hands dry on a rag before turning towards the door.

I obstruct him.

"Where are you going?"

He takes a frustrated breath, and flares his nostrils. "To let him out, he hates that."
He says as he tries to move around me.

I place my hand on his stomach and shove him towards the island. When he is against it, I place my arms on either side locking him in.

"Milo will be fine. I'm talking to you."

Art sighs, "Why are you here?"

"You have been gone a month." As I say the words my chest tightens.


"You left me, again."

"Well you left me first."

"I didn't. You promised Art, never to leave me."

"Fiat, you are not a child. Why would I stay after what you did?"

"You swore. To believe in me and never leave me."

He rolls his eyes and pulls at my arm.

"Are you sleeping with that man?" I ask again.

"How is that any of your business? Do I ask what happens in your marital bed?"

"Shouldn't you? Shouldn't you ask?"

"I don't care. So please step aside. Then disappear to wherever you came from."

"Why aren't you looking at me? Why can't you see me?"

He looks at the ground, "See what?"

"See me."

His gaze raises to my face.
"I do see you. I just hate what I see."

My eyes dart across his face searching for any of the love I always saw reflected there.

"You hate me?"

"What do you think?"

"More than you love me?"

"What do you think?"

"You can't. You promised." I mutter as the tears I held so long flee from me.

"You promised too."


Hollow. I am nothing, my Fiat is dead. I remind myself as I stare into his face. He doesn't say anything for far too long he only cries. His chin quivers and I clear my throat to steady myself.

He only wears my true loves face. This isn't my Fiat. My Fiat who loved me so tenderly would never betray me. Don't let him fool you I remind myself.


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