65. -Fiat & Art-

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Whoa, he is fucking pissed. How he is acting makes it crystal clear that that me marrying Mint is eating him up inside no matter how he tries to hide it.

Art isn't petty. It's obvious he feels as though I'm taking something important from him by marrying Mint on that day.

I'll try to get him to forgive me to continue the ruse but if it hurts him too much I'll tell him I rescheduled it. It's only for a week but I don't want him miserable for a whole seven days.

I consider this as I wait for the water to boil.

I look up to the kitchen door opening and it's him.

I watch as he strolls in and places the baby monitor on the island. His back faces me and I really fucking hate that.

I walk over and pull his arm forcing him to turn around.

He looks at the ground I hate that too. I take hold of his waist and lift him to sit on the island before placing my finger beneath his chin and lifting it.

Our eyes meet and my heart aches, he's crying.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll call and change the date." I say quickly.

"It's fine." He tells me as he wipes at his face.

"It's not fine if you're crying."

"I was just really mad because it felt like a sacrifice."


"Like I was losing something else. But that perception isn't right because I have lost nothing and only gained. I'm sorry I was mean. It doesn't matter when you marry Mint. Just do it so you can hurry up and get divorced."

"So I can marry you?"

"Yes baby please hurry up and marry me." He says pouting.

I ache inside as I wrap my arms around him. I rest my forehead against his shoulder.

"You are too good to me. I don't deserve you." I tell him.

He sighs, "I don't think so either you dumb dumb. How do you make that mistake?"

"I thought you said you don't care."

"It's annoying. I can deal with it cause what's done is done but you are freaking thoughtless."

"I can change the day."

"I want you to get it over with. I'll be fine, and fucking make it up to me you dickhead."

I lift my head to look at him.

"I found a contractor."

He looks at me confused, "Contractor?"

"To redo our bathroom?"

"What's wrong with our bathroom?"

"You wanted a new tub."

He blinks at me as if he has no idea what I'm talking about.

"You wanted a whirlpool tub like the hotel remember."

He considers it a moment, "Oh yeah. I had forgotten I said that."

"I didn't. Forgive me for being thoughtless. Do you mind moving into the spare bedroom for a few weeks?"

He smiles and places his hand against my face, "You remembered that? But you forget our anniversary?"

"I never forgot our anniversary before, I just had a lot on my mind. I promise to never forget it again."

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now