17. -Art-

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"Should we call someone?" Clover asks me.

"No." I mutter.

"Do you know what this is?" She asks.

Hmm, my chest hurts.

I peer into the room to look at him. He hasn't moved.

I take a breath and nod slowly.

"What's happening?"

I look at her for a few moments not knowing how to start my next sentence.

"I think he stopped taking his meds." I say after a minute.


I can't breathe I walk around her and head to the balcony.

I quickly open the door and step out relieved that I'm met with a breeze. This is my fault.

Clover takes my elbow, "Tell me Art, what is happening?"

I take a deep steadying breath, "He must of stopped taking his pills."

"Pills for what?"

I rub at my temple, "Depression."

"Fiat has depression? Since when?"

"He was diagnosed our freshman year."

Clovers eyes dart around like the picture is clicking, "College after the bridge?"

I nod.

It's too quiet for a few minutes.

"Not taking them makes him catatonic?" She asks.

I shake my head, "He isn't catatonic. He can speak, he doesn't want to."


"It's a lot to explain."


I take a seat on one of the lounge chair and she follows.

She places her hand over mine prompting me to continue.

"Ok..So the meds keep his dopamine and serotonin levels balanced. When he doesn't take the pills the levels drop drastically."

"Why would he stop taking them?"

"When dopamine and serotonin levels drop in your body it's hard to feel. He would only do that if he was in a lot of pain. It's like a kill switch."

She's quiet, I lift my gaze to meet hers. Her eyes are fuzzy with tears I watch as they break free of her lashes.

Her eyebrows furrow, "Can it be fixed?"

I nod. "He needs to take his medicine."

Clover sighs in relief as she stands up, "I'll make him." She says as she steps toward the door.

I take hold of her wrist, "He won't take them."


"He stopped taking them because he doesn't want to feel his feelings. It won't be easy to get him to talk to you or take them."

"Then what do we do?"

"There is nothing for you to do Clover. You have done so much. I have to do it. I hurt him."

I tremble as my tears break away. "I said the most unforgivable things."

Clover kneels in front of me. "But you're here. Fiat always forgives you."

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