37. -Fiat-

390 23 2

**{Work}{by: Charlotte Day Wilson}


He is so beautiful this way.
I stand at the end of the bed and admire him.

My eyes travel the length of his spine. I bite my lip as I imagine my tongue running down the natural curves of his back.

After a while he turns his head to look over his shoulder.

I can't say anything. I'm enjoying the view too much. I am so tempted to take a picture. It's almost like a painting already his skin is blushing the way I love. His creamy skin is crying out for me to mark him, own him.
And I will.

I watch him shudder as I take in every single detail of the portrait in front of me.,

I can't help myself, I pull my phone from my pocket.

"Turn your head like you did a few minutes ago." I command.

He obeys and I take a picture of my favorite painting.

I put my phone away and drop my robe.
I crawl to the headboard to meet him as my fingers hum to touch him.

I lick my index and middle finger and glide them down his spine.

The moment I touch him he flinches.

I lean forward and allow myself to run the tip of my nose against his soft skin. I start at the base of his neck. His hair tickles my nose. I inhale deeply and my heart flutters.

What is this? Obsession? Why do I crave every part of him so incessantly?

Why does his smell drive my senses mad?
Why does his gaze enthrall me?
Why is he everything I never knew I needed every moment?

His smile moves me, his words inspire me.
I'm hopeless.

I reach his mid back and I can't help but groan aloud.

Don't frenzy, I remind myself as I lean over and bite him behind his stomach.

He moans and my body tightens.

I wrap my arm around him and pull him against me.

I bury my nose into the nape of his neck and inhale him.
Immediately my mouth waters to devour.
His smell fills my lungs and my dick tightens. I push myself firmly against him so he can feel me grow.

I glide my tongue against the crock of his neck and before I know it my fevered senses take over and I bite him hard.

"Aaauugghh! Fuck." He cries out and I grin to myself.

I plan to earn a lot more of that. I bite him harder than I usually do and his body immediately begins to tremble.

My nose grazes his skin traveling up to the back of his ear, I inhale deeply.

Once again my dick tightens. I lick the back of his ear and he moans softy.

I reach around him and take his neck firmly in my fingers as I bite him just as hard on the top of his shoulder.

Again he cries out "Aughhhhh" and wanes into a soft whimper.

"Did that hurt?" I ask as I take note of the marks I have already left.

"Very much." He says breathlessly.


"More please sir."

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