72. -Art-

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"What's wrong with you?" Clover asks and I turn away from the window to face her.

"Nothing." I mutter and she rolls her eyes before looking down at baby Fiat in her arms. She pats his bottom gently.

"You hear that papa Art is a big fat liar." She tells him as Gear walks through the door.

He sighs aloud, "I'm ready to go. It's been forever since I been to the spa."

"We will, Arts mom should be here soon." Clover tells him.

My eyes dart to Clover. "Huh? My mom is coming?"

"Oh. Didn't Fiat tell you? She agreed to baby sit so Mint can come too."

She smiles down at Fiat, "You been so hard on your Mommy. She deserves spa day too, doesn't she dumpling? She really does."

She does, I'm glad she is going too but...

"So who else in this group communicates with my mother without me knowing?"

Gear rolls his eyes, "We all communicate with your mother. She is the nicest of all the mommies."

"Says who?! That Lady? The nicest? The hell?"

Clover laughs aloud.
"She'll take any excuse to see her grandson." Clover says simply.

The doorbell rings and Gear perks up. "I'll get it." He offers as he flies from the living room.

A moment later Gear and my mom renter together.

"Where's my baby?" My mom asks excited.

"I'm right here Mommy." I say genuinely excited to see her.

"Ugh. Not you, you dolt." She says disgusted.

My mouth drops open as she makes a beeline for baby Fiat.

Well that wasn't hurtful at all. Her? The nicest Mommy. How in the entire fuck?

She quickly takes possession of baby Fiat and lifts him to place kisses on both his cheeks.

"Aww my baby is getting so chubby." She says as she admires him.

I would be jealous if I wasn't so gooey. It's so cute.

Mint finally makes an appearance.
"Sorry I took so long getting ready. It feels like I haven't been out of the house in forever. I couldn't find any nice clothes and I couldn't find my makeup."

Gear smiles at her, "You're right on time. Ready?"

"I'm ready." Mint says as she walks over to my mom.

Mint gently strokes at Fiat's head. "I can't believe I'm leaving my baby." She says sadly.

"Leaving your baby? It's only for a few hours." Clover replies.

"I know, but it just occurs to me that I have never left him before. The worst part is I can't wait." She quickly kisses his head.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him. There are bottles prepared in the fridge and everything you might need is prepared in his room. Please call me if you need anything." She says quickly.

I laugh, she really does deserve a break.

"You ready?" I ask her.

"Like spaghetti!" She says as she walks toward the exit.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now