10. -Fiat-

394 22 151

- 6 Months Ago-


"Do you miss me?" He asks.

I balance the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I reach for my letter opener.

"Do I miss you? Real question?"

"Real question?"

I smile to myself as I slide the sharp edge ripping the envelope open.
"Insanely, ridiculously, unbelievably, yearningly, maddingly, achingly."

He laughs and the sound caresses me, "Why? Oh Why does that sound so familiar?"

I chuckle as my eyes quickly skim the letter, "I don't know but this insanely hot guy said it to me once."

"How hot? Should I be jealous?"

I place the letter aside and lean back in my chair.
"So hot, so seductive. You should be rabid with jealousy one look from this guy and I'm leaving you in the dust."

He gasps, "What? Have you no loyalty?"

"Only to him."

"Hmmm, Stop making me miss you so much."

"Never, come home immediately."

"Ugh, babe I just got here and I hate it."


"For one you aren't here. And it's cold and dreary. Milo hates it too."

"How is my hairy dog son?"

"Confused. He keeps looking at me like why are we here? And where is dad?"

"What did you tell him?"

"I fed him treats."

"You spoil him."

"You spoil me."

"Is that why you're such a brat?"

"No, I was always a brat. But your means of discipline doesn't exactly motivate me to change."

"Why not?"

" I enjoy you punishing me too much."

"I will punish you so ruthlessly for leaving when you get back."

"Come punish me sooner than that."

I sigh. "I wish."

Is it possible to hear a frown? "Why do you sound so sad baby?" He asks tenderly.

"I'm just overwhelmed. My dad isn't doing well."

"Has he gotten worse?"

"Same really. I'm terrified at what it all means. I don't know what we or the company will do without him."

"Is it that bad? His condition?"

"His heart isn't healing. We were told that, hospice is where he needs to be."

Art gasps. "Since when?"

"We were told today."

"Why are you just telling me? I was babbling about shit that didn't matter."

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