64. -Fiat & Art-

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The pit in my stomach grows. Navigating breaking my engagement to Mint is getting harder and harder.

My mother has trapped me into a corner. There is no way I can do this without the press finding out and dragging Art through the mud. I'm trying desperately not to resent her but the desire is definitely there.

We can keep it quiet but eventually people will find out I don't want to hide him away.

It's becoming evident to me the only way through is forward.

The only safe bet is to get engaged and not get married for a while maybe six months to a year.

The media will still make a fuss but at least they won't call him a mistress. Or will they?

The truth is if any reporter digs enough they will find proof that Art and I have dated and lived together since college.

"Don't sulk. You can't your son just came into the world." Art tells me bringing my mind back.

He is right. I have been obsessing about this for weeks but not now.

Not after meeting him. I force a smile.

"You're right."

"I am. Now come on the family is dying for news."

He takes my hand and leads me out of the stall and to the door.

As we are walking out he kisses the back of my hand before letting it go. The moment he does the ache returns. I push it away and smile.

The second we walk into the waiting room everyone jumps up for news.

"Oh my god. He is so fucking perfect." Art tells them.

"Congratulations Daddy." Clover tells me as she wraps her arms around me.

"Mr. Fiat?" I'm called and I turn to see the same nurse who coached us in the nursery.

"Baby Fiat has eaten and is ready to meet his family."

"Thank you. We will be there." I tell her before turning to the brood.

"You ready aunts and uncles?" I ask as my eyes  glide  stopping at each of them.

They all nod and I turn to lead the way.

I knock at the door and Mint calls for us to enter.

I'm glad to see how huge the suite is as  all seven of us flow in.

Mint is in bed cradling Junior. She smiles at us, "Who wants to hold him first?" She asks and Clover quickly steps forward.

The weeks following the birth of our son were really hard but the three of us worked really well together.

I couldn't imagine I could love Art more but it happens every moment I see him with our son.

The fear is still there but as our anniversary approaches my mind is made up.

I walk into our bedroom and drop myself onto our bed. I lay flat on my back scrolling through my phone going through my to do list.

Art walks out of the closet and crawls over me. He lifts my shirt and dips inside while he lays across me.
I love his weight against me, it always soothes me.

"What are you thinking about baby?" He asks as he bites my nipple.
Instantly, I get turned on. In the two weeks my son has existed in this home I have been inside Art exactly four times.

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