6. - Fiat & Art -

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**{Mirage}{by: Elina}


How will I bare this? I ask myself again as I follow him home. The sense of dejavu is intense. Atleast he speaks to me this time. Even if its just to curse me. He looks at me with hate and he curses me as opposed to ignoring my existence and never meeting my gaze.

I hate how beautiful he is when he cries.

It aches how beautiful he is. I watched him sleep on the picnic table for longer than I know. He is drinking because of me. No matter how he tries to hide behind his anger I see him, he is mine. I know him.

I followed him from the moment he left his mother's house. If I can't hold him, kiss him, have him this has to be enough. For a year? For longer? The thought guts me. There is no way I'll be able to hold him that long no matter what underhanded tricks I force upon him.

Why cant he look at me and see the truth? He must know in his heart.

No matter, here is the truth.

Art, I will never let you break your promise. I will never let you leave me.


Before walking through the threshold I turn to look behind me. He watches me from across the street.

What an asshole.

I step inside and already Milo greets me. "We're you worried?" I ask him.

He whimpers as he peers up at me.

I head to the living room and drop myself onto the couch. Milo hops up and curls up beside me.

I reach into my coat, retrieve my phone and call Steel.

He answers quickly.

"Hey, you ok?" He asks

"I'm fine. I have a legal question."

"What's up?"

"How do I procure a restraining order?"

He sighs wearily, "Art don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't push him away."

I scoff, "What the fuck are you talking about? Am I in the twilight zone? Steel we broke up. He is getting married. He is going to be a father and he is fucking stalking me, again. I try to reason with him and he won't listen. We both know he can't handle me being mean to him. I'm trying with all my might to be patient but enough is a enough. So if you're actually my friend help me get a fucking restraining order!"

"I am your friend. More like a brother. You can file for a temporary order of protection against anyone for like literally any reason but if you want it to stick you'll need proof of stalking. Like police reports or the like. But all that doesn't matter because I promise if you try Fiat will make it disappear in a moment."

"What do you mean?"

"He is the CEO of a multi billion dollar cooperation. The moment you write his name on the application it with probably turn to dust in your hand. Like poof gone. It would be a complete waste of time."

"Will it turn to dust or will you and Jay make it disappear? You're his attorneys that's your job correct?"

"With or without us it wouldn't stick."

"So what? I just let him continue to harass me until I lose my fucking mind?"

"I'll talk to him."

"We both know that won't work. Find out what the fuck he wants."

"You know what he wants, you."

"Me for what? For a gay mistress? Like seriously what is happening?"

"I'm begging you Art, trust me. Trust Jay, things are not as they seem."

"Oh ok. He didn't cheat and get a woman pregnant?"

"Does that sound like Fiat?"

"Sound? He is getting married, she is pregnant? Am I missing something?"

"Just ask yourself if that makes sense."

"What are you saying? Why are you being so cryptic? He is having a child, he is getting married correct?"

"It would appear."

"Appear? Yes or fucking no?"

"I think you should trust in Fiat, you know him best."

That is it!

"Ok, I'm gonna go."


"Wait for what? I have No allies here." I say before swiftly hanging up the phone.

I look up and my mother watches me from the entryway.


"Can't you trust your friends?"

I blink at her. I am in the fucking Twilight Zone.

She walks over and reaches for my face. She strokes my bangs back. "You have loved Fiat a long time doesn't that afford him some trust?"

Tears instantly sting my eyes.

"What are you saying? His engagement is plastered on the cover of every magazine. It's on the news, she's pregnant. Why is everyone acting like I'm the unreasonable one?"

Every tear I had been holding fights to escape me all at once. My chin quivers as my sorrow swiftly overtakes me.

"I'm trying to be descent and make things easy. Everyone only cares about what Fiat wants, no one cares that I'm dying inside. I try to make it easy and just disappear why won't any of you let me?"

My mother walks around to sit on the other side of me. She wraps her arms around me pulling me to lay my head on her chest.

"Baby, you're doing nothing wrong. We see you, we know you're hurt but you can't disappear too many people love you. I know it seems so hopeless now but I promise it will get better. Just hang on and be strong, you are not alone."

I wrap my arms around her and weep until I drift.

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