84. -Art-

196 19 7


"You're all here?" Fiat frowns as he walks back into our bedroom.

"Clover and Gem couldn't come didn't anyone tell you in the super secret group chat?" I say as I glare daggers at him.

He smiles awkwardly as he lifts the two large pizzas and super xl drink he carried in with him.

He's lucky I'm his slut. I take a deep breath and smile hella faux sweetly.

Mint shuffles over and lays across the middle of the bed making room for him to take a seat beside Milo.

"It's only 11am. You already ordered pizza?" Gear asks in a very judgey tone.

"Yes. I wanted pizza so my baby ordered me pizza and if you don't play your cards right I won't share." I snap as I reach for the boxes merrily.

"Cutie." Fiat says and I look up to see him gazing fondly at me.

"What?" I ask.

"How happy you are. If you weren't sitting you would be dancing. You're too cute."

My skin flushes as he leans over Milo and kisses me softly on the cheek.

"Eat up before it gets cold." He whispers so only I can hear.

"Yes baby."

Then he frowns, "If your sharing with the bottom feeders I should go get plates and napkins. Here take your drink."

"I'll get them." Mint offers as she once again hops up out the bed and darts for the door. I don't know if it's from years of working as a server but she is fast.

I take my xl cup from Fiat and take a long sip.


"Good?" Fiat asks.

I offer him my straw and he leans forward and takes a long sip.

He looks so cute I lean in and sniff his hair.

"Ugh. Y'all are in front of people. Stop being weirdos and pass the pizza." Steel snaps in a disgusted tone.

"Ugh, you're in our bedroom remember? On our bed might I add." I return in offense.

Steel frowns, "I rather not be reminded. If these poor poor walls  could talk they would weep."

Fiat laughs aloud. "Give us a break we just got engaged dick."

"Like that's an excuse you two were always weirdo's." Jay calls us out just as Mint reappears carrying a serving tray with plates, napkins, utensils, and drinks.

"Oh, it's just getting good. Please elaborate Jay." Mint says with a mischievous grin.

I faux scowl at her.

"Don't even get me started.  They were the absolute worst growing up." Steel says as he lays back to look up at the ceiling.

"What the hell does that mean?" Fiat asks.

"You should know you were the craziest. Bad tempter, prone to violet outbursts, you got us into fights, and bullied anyone who even was nice to Art. To this day I don't know how you didn't go to jail or at the very least expelled from school." Jay spouts.

"My parents contributed a lot to the school and I'm certain paid the parents off." Fiat says simply like thats normal.

I look at him as many memories quickly play out in my mind. He was so crazy. He is still crazy. He is my fiancé.

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