75. -Art-

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The moment we step out the door it's the smell that captures me first.



Lots and lots of roses.

The door lead us out to a beautiful rose garden.
Tall and short hedges of beautiful blooming red roses.
Fiat turns to look at me while I take in the unexpected sight. It's like stepping out of the real world into a world of fairies.

"You love it?" Fiat asks as he leads me down a walkway with wild vines and rose archways.

Its dark out but everything is lit up with so many tiny fairy lights. It's like a dream. Stepping out of a hotel into virtually another world of memorizing beauty.

"How?" Is all I can manage.


"How is this here?"

Fiat chuckles as he gently pulls me along beneath the archway.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"It doesn't even seem...

"It's an exclusive part of this hotel."

When we reach the end of the walkway Fiat cuts a left.

I'm completely caught off guard walking smack dab into everyone I know.

I look at Fiat in confusion. He doesn't even attempt to explain he just smiles sweetly.
"Happy Anniversary Baby." He says as he gently kisses me on my temple.

"Why is everyone here? You're not giving everyone a car like Oprah are you?" I ask genuinely worried he will say yes.

He laughs. "Why do you think that?"

"You always go overboard when you feel guilty."

"How many times do I need to tell you I don't feel guilty. I'm just crazy in love with my Art."

My gaze travels through the group my eyes stopping at Benz.

He walks over.

"Hey asshole."

I can't help but smile. It's been forever since he looked at me like that. "It's fucking asshole. Thank you very much."

Benz laughs at me. "You are a fucking asshole. But you're still my friend. I'm sorry I was so hard on you."

"Don't be. I deserved it all. I was a shitty friend."

"Maybe because we have long ago stopped being friends only family takes me for granted as shamelessly as you do."

"You may be right. I don't deserve you Benz. Please forgive me. I miss you."

He shrugs. "Family should always make up in the end. Fiat told me everything why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my secret to tell and I realized that's not why you were angry at me. With or without you thinking I was a mistress I fucked up. All you tried to do was take care of me especially in London. Stupid me all I did was push you away for fear of you seeing how badly I was crumbling inside." My eyes burn with tears as my mind flashes back how many times he tried to talk to me and be there for me. And how often I pushed him away and how often he wouldn't let me.

"The thing about family Art, you can lie as much as you want but we see you. I saw you and your pain was my pain. I don't want to make it about me I just want you not to do that again and really see the people who love you."

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