93. Art

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I shouldn't have been surprised when I suddenly looked up and the area around the waterfall was transformed into an intimate beach party.

Like really our group will literally take any excuse to order catering. But even I didn't expect 2 pop up metal gazebos being constructed side by side in ten minutes flat. I definitely didn't expect them to place flooring panels  inside each and lug in comfortable outside furniture. Including 2 three seat couches and 8 comfy looking singles seats.

Fiat pulls me beneath the first gazebo. He drops himself down into one of the comfy single seats and pulls me onto his lap.

We watch quietly as the workers continue working around us. The young girls appear with little pillows to place on the seats while the older women start to hang sheer curtains from the canopy. I thought that had to be it but two young men appear carting a wide outdoor coffee table. They enter the gazebo and set it in the middle of the floor in front of Fiat and I.
I'm amazed at the level of efficiency. Within 20 minutes of the trucks appearing the area around the spring is transformed with comforts and decorations.

Already my mom and dad have disappeared to explore while everyone else changed into their swimming clothes. Clover and Gear are laying down towels at the bank so they can tan while Gem dips her whole foot into test the water.

"Is it cold?" I call out to her.

She turns as her eyes search for me inside the gazebo. The curtains are white sheer but I'm sure Fiat and I can see them better than they can see us.

She covers her eyes from the sun so she can see me better before answering.

"It's cool. Not too bad. You coming in?" She calls back.

"Maybe in a little while. It's hot." I answer.

"Come swim to cool off." She says with a shrug before starting to slowly step deeper into the stream.

I watch her slowly wade in wondering how deep it goes. Gems body gradually submerges before her head dips beneath the water. Her head pops back out a few seconds later at the center of the stream before she starts to float on her back.

I hear a loud squeal as Mint walks past the gazebo with Junior on her hip. He's going crazy in excitement.

"Hey, don't rush your mother. I'm bringing you to the water now." She reprimands  him but he only squeals louder as he wiggles in her embrace.

"Look." Fiat points and I follow his finger to see two older men carrying over a big ass pig on a stick. Fiat and I had watched them construct a fire pit from scratch which was confusing cause they also set up a big grill.

"Are they going to rotisserie that thing?" I ask astonished.

"I think it's called spit roasting." Fiat corrects.

"What's the difference?" I ask genuinely curious.

"You rotisserie in an oven and spit roasting is an open fire."

"Oh, ok. But whose eating all that meat?" I ask just as Jay, Steel, Golf , and Benz all descend around the grill just as the man sets out a platter of ready chunks of meat on sticks.

I shake my head as they all greedily start to fight over them, "Nevermind." I mutter.

"Please come in." Fiat says and I turn my head towards the break in the curtains.

One of the young girls who had thrown flowers over our heads steps inside carrying a tray of different flavored fruity drinks. The rims of the glasses garnished with different fruits.

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