54. -Fiat- Jay - Gear -

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Art snuggles into me on the couch. I look down at him and shake my head. He put on some creepy Netflix series for all of us to watch and falls asleep.

Mint is fast asleep on the other couch cuddled up with Milo and Gear is asleep on Art.

I look up and Jay is in the doorway.

"That's not creepy at all." I say.

"You're one to talk." He says while strolling in.

"How did you get in?"

"Art's birthday? You are freaking predictable."

"Fair enough. Why are you here?"

"You have something of mine." He says as he walks over and leans down to kiss Gear on the cheek.

Gear groans and sits up to look at Jay.
Jay scowls and leans in placing his hands on either side of his legs.

Gear laughs.

"Don't fucking laugh, you missed curfew."

"I'm spending the night."

"Spending the night where?" Jay asks.

"Here, with my friends." Gear says with a smile.

"Why is your phone off?"

"It died."

"There aren't chargers here?"

Gear shrugs.

Ugh, is this what Art and I are like?

"You're fucking with me." Jay accuses.

Gear nods.

Yup, this is definitely what we're like.

Jay shakes his head and leans back to peer down at him.

He chuckles as he reaches down to take hold of Gears arm. He pulls him up and tosses him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I watch them and laugh.

"See you at work." Jay says as he turns to leave.

"I have to get my stuff Jay!" Gear whines as he takes hold of the back of his jacket.

I chuckle to myself as I watch them disappear from the room.

I reach for the remote and turn off the t.v before pulling out of Arts grasp to stand. He immediately slumps over.

I lean down and wrap my arms around my sack of potatoes and lift him. As always his limbs enclose me. He nuzzles his face into my neck and groans.

"I'm thirsty baby." He whines as I turn and carry him out.


I open the car door and he gives me a very dimply smile. I reach in to take hold of the front of his t-shirt and pull him out before swiftly tossing him over my shoulder.

As I'm unlocking the front door he chuckles to himself.

"What so funny?" I ask him.

"Why are you mad?"

"You are really starting to get under my skin. What's your fucking problem?"

He doesn't answer. I open the door and lock it behind me before heading up the stairs. Once in our bedroom I toss him onto the mattress.

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