16. -Art & Clover-

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"Weren't you going to say goodbye?" He says from behind me.

I place my bag by the door and turn to Fox.

"I was going to call you from the road. I hate goodbyes." I say.

"Is it goodbye? What of my rain check?"

I smile as I walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Thank you for being so kind to me. Also, for making me get out of bed."

He sighs, "I should have taken advantage of you when I had the chance."

I can't help but smile, "You snooze you lose Mr. Silver Fox. I really do wish I see you again someday you made these days...livable."

"Just livable? "

"It's saying a lot, you kept me alive when I felt dead. I'm so thankful."

"If you're thankful comeback someday and fulfill your raincheck."

I reach up and touch his face. Then I do something I didn't expect. I hop up and kiss him softly on the lips.

I lean back and he smiles down at me, "See you later Foxy."

"See you later kid."

With that I turn my back and leave my safe beach house.


Art crosses his arms and bites his lip.

"This is going to be so awkward." He says.

"Yeah, but it's the only way. Man up." I say as I walk out of the entry way and into the dining room where Steel and Jay are waiting. They both jump up to hug me.

"Ohhh, I missed the Goof Troop." I tell them.

Steel sucks his teeth, "Ugh still, you still call us that?"

I smile, "Blame Art, he coined it."

They let me go and I hear Art and Gear approach behind me.

Jay looks guilty as he eyes Art.

Art takes a deep breath, "I already forgave you dummy."

Jay smiles and quickly walks over to wrap his arms around Art.

"I'm sorry I let you get kidnapped. Please don't think less of me."

Art laughs, "Less of the Goof Troop? Never."

Jay laughs.

-We sit around the dining room table, Gear glances at me and I nod.

I clear my throat, "I read the strangest article today."

"What was it about?" Gear asks.

"Fiat and Mint."

Jay and Steel look up from their plates.

"Isn't that whole thing weird?" Art mutters.

"Yes, but the article states that Mints due date is this month." I say.

Art clears his throat, "Impossible."

"No, I have it. It definitely says she's eight months pregnant."

Gear gasps. "That can't be true!" He protests.

Gear turns to Jay, "Babe, is Mint due this month?"

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