88. -Fiat & Art-

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"Oh, Mr. Fiat-

"Email me." I say quickly before hitting the red icon and ending the virtual interview.

How exhausting...

That was my second interview today and both journalists asked all the same questions Tine did....nearly completely verbatim actually.

I knew it would be annoying but the repetitiveness and lack of imagination these so called "journalists" exhibit is mind numbing.

I loathe having to prepare for each interview.

At least Art looked pleased as he dressed me in the white shirt and grayish blue trousers he chose. I was impressed how crisp the creases were and wondered if he had ironed them himself. I asked but his only answer was a coy wink.
I smile as I recall the bratty glint in his eye as he replied that he was always happy to 'service his CEO'.
He seduced me all the way through getting me dressed. Biting his lip and moaning softly as he took his time adjusting my tie and rolling up my sleeves the way I love to watch him do.

I regard that part of the day quiet fondly as I escape my office and close the door behind me. Every time I'm in there it feels as though I'm not on vacation.
Just another office jail cell abroad. Especially since my mother and several of the duty officers have been emailing non stop expecting my input on case development research.

I walk around the corner and take the two steps into the living room.

Art is lounging across the couch with Junior sleeping on his chest. He must of dozed off after watching Finding Nemo.

"Stop." Art says as I walk over to sit with them.

I do as I'm told and stop my approach.


He smiles as he gently rubs circles into Juniors back.

"You look...ridiculously hot." He says.

I take a deep breath as a smile creeps across my face. I slip my hands in my pockets as I slowly turn myself around.

He hums his approval before asking, "Are you done for today?"

"Yeah, I hung up on the last one. Told him to email the rest of his questions."


"It's boring being asked the same questions over again."

"Then type the answers to the most frequently asked questions and email them ahead of the interview." He suggests.

"That's a good idea but they would still ask."


"They want a different version of the answers each time. If they just copy and pasted from previous interviews no one would buy the article."

His eyes travel down the length of my body as he bits his bottom lip.

"What?" I ask even though I have a pretty good idea what he's thinking about.

"I love it when you dress like this. I get so turned on watching you be bossy and stern. Makes me miss crawling beneath your desk just to get a taste."

"I have a desk here. You up for fiancé time?"

"All the time is fiancé time." He says coyly.

"X-rated fiancé time?"

He tilts his head as if to consider it.

I roll my eyes as I walk over and lift Junior from his chest.
He whimpers softly protesting being tussled so near to drifting off. I rock him gently and he instantly quiets.

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