92. Art & Fiat

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It's actually extremely calming just how loud and chaotic the dining room has been every morning. This morning in particular with Gem and Clover joining our already boisterous family.

I love it though. I find so much comfort having all of us under one roof especially since things back home is so....terrifying.

But that doesn't matter. I don't want to think about going back any time soon. In fact I wish we could just move here and only go back when the city has totally forgotten about us.

The table is adorned with platters and platters of fruits, pastries, breakfast meats, and all types of yummy steaming food arrays.
The terrace doors are open and the warm sea air breezes in and carries out the sound of boisterous laughter.

It's the most perfect morning, that is until I flinch reflexively as a blueberry bounces off my forehead and lands perfectly in the middle of my plate.

I look up and glare at my moms smiling face.

"What was that for?"

"You know I hate it when you sit with your plate in front of you daydreaming instead of eating."

"That was abusive."

My mother rolls her eyes, "Call child protective services."

I rub at my forehead with my hand cause I hate the feeling of the tiny wetness left there.

"I truly might." I grumble.

"How was the food festival?" I ask no one in particular but my mom speaks up.

"Crowded." She says and I watch as she pulls apart an orange and hands one of the slices over to baby Fiat who is sitting in Mints lap in the seat beside her.

I gasp as Junior reaches out a chubby little hand to take it and immediately starts to suck on it.

"You're the reason why he's reaching for food!" I accuse her.

She licks a bit of the juice off her thumb, "Yes..and?" She says flippantly.

"He isn't supposed to have solids for another month!"

"Who taught you that?" She asks as she continues eating from her own plate.

"That's what the baby book said."

She frowns as she gives me a deadpan look, "You were sucking chicken bones at three months. Besides it's not a solid. He has no teeth, he'll only suck it dry." She says taking a big bite of her bagel before turning to look at Junior who is sucking on his orange slice merrily.

I look to Mint but she just shrugs, "You turned out fine. I trust your mother." She says simply as Fiat chuckles from beside me.

"What's funny?" I ask him but he just takes a bite of his toast.

I sit back in my seat as I stare at Junior enjoying his little treat.
How could I ever take it away now?
He looks too content discovering the whole new world of suger.

"You win again mother dearest but if he gets the runs the responsibility will be yours."

"So and? This little angel is smooth sailing compared to you." She retorts.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you my love were such a mean, colicky, crybaby as an infant. The wind would brush your skin and you would wail your little head off. Not to mention you constantly barfing, peeing, and taking what appeared to be grown man shits in your diaper. Compared to Rosemary's baby my grandson is a cakewalk. Look at him, he hardly ever makes a fuss. All he expects is his chubby little belly rubbed, kisses, cuddles, a snack, and he hardly ever cries."

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