9. -Art-

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The moment I'm aware my mind begins to race. I open my eyes and look around. It's early morning.
I turn my head to look beside me. Fiat is asleep with his body wrapped around mine.
Fuck! Fiat has always been a lighter sleeper than me.

I take a few moments to decide upon a game plan.
Decided, Inching the fuck out of here it is.

I start moving myself a very little bit at a time.
I painstakingly scoot from up under him. Over time the space between us grows until its only his hand on my midsection.
I hold my breath and slowly roll off the bed. I crouch bedside and listen to his breathing. I tentively peek my head up to look at him.

When I'm sure he isn't disturbed I slowly rise. My hip cracks and I nearly jump out of my skin.
I watch him for entire minute before tip toeing into his bathroom. I locate my clothes and quickly change.

When I have finished I peek around the bathroom doorway to look at him. I sigh in relief. He hasn't moved. I take a deep breath and gingerly tip toe past the bed and towards the door. My eyes never leaving him.

When I finally reach the double doors I turn the doorknob with great care and slowly crack one open.
The moment I slip out I dash down the stairs and straight to the front door.

Fuck! Alarm.


I think desperately as I stare at the key pad. Fuck!Fuck!Fuckity!Fuck!

"Do you need me to let you out?"

I quickly turn at the sound of Mint's voice. My back goes ridged and I stare at her.

After a few moments she walks over.

"Where is Fiat?" She asks

I blink.


She takes a sigh of relief and smiles, "I'm glad, he hasn't been able to in a while. Thank you."

"Don't..mention it?" I say awkwardly.

She looks at the key pad. "Try your birthday."

My eyes dart between her and the white buttons. I slowly raise my index and put in my birthdate. The light turns green and the system disarms.

I look to Mint.

"I'm really sorry. I hope you don't hate me too much. If it helps at all, he is still yours. Only yours. However it may seem."

My gaze falls to her stomach. Yeah I bet.

"I'm going now. Can you open the gate for me?"

She nods.

I turn, unlock the door, and leave.

Once I'm free of the gate I take off running. Fuck! He still has my phone and I have no idea where I am.
I search for a main road and find it about ten minutes later, after just running around. When I finally get there I flag down a cab.

I sigh in relief when the cab pulls up to Jays and my car is outside.

The moment I step inside Milo jumps up on me. "I'm sorry your dad kidnapped me." I tell him as I scratch behind his ears.

I look up and Gear is coming down the stairs, "Are you ok? I called you like a hundred times."

He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now