91. Fiat & Art

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Art fell asleep in my arms while he cried. I tried to comfort him but that only made him more hysterical.

"You're only saying that cause you're a slave. Of course you can't hate the prince. I should of saved you!"

I could only sigh and pat his back while continuously reassuring him it was only a dream and not a past life.

By the time I heard Junior crying from the baby monitor I was already drained from my crybaby Fiancé.

I scoop him from his crib and he instantly smiles with tears still soaking his cheeks.

"You slept so long. Your daddy is so proud of you." I coo gently as I kiss his wet cheeks.

I squeeze his bottom and his diaper is wet. As I'm changing him in the nursery he begins to babble. It's sounds like he is either telling me a story, gossiping, or complaining.

I don't understand but it's definitely riveting so I listen intently. As I wipe, powder, and then slip on a new diaper he speaks eloquently in a language I don't understand.

Then he suddenly giggles like he told a joke so I laugh too, which makes him giggle more.

I lift him up and dip my nose in his neck to give him so many kisses. He squeals loudly as he takes hold of my face with his little hands.

My kid might be a singer cause the notes he hit's when he giggles and squeals are insane. The sound literally echoes off the high ceilings and marble floors of the hallway as we head to the kitchen.

"Are you going to be an opera singer?" I ask as I prepare the bottle one handed.

He blinks at me as reply.

"Don't get dad wrong you can be anything you want but could you also take over the company?" I say as I place the bottle on the counter before adjusting him correctly against my arm.

He chooses this moment to become mute. I sigh as I pick up the bottle to feed him.

He stares up at me and I stare back as I walk circles around the island.

Is that what Art means by unblinking Fiat stare? It's intense and eerie cause his eyes are nearly a carbon copy of my dad and mines.

There's a level of intelligence in them that is off putting.

"Blink or your eyeballs will dry out." I whisper to him and he slowly blinks.

"You understood that?" I ask and he blinks again as he reaches his little hand towards my face.

"Creepy." I mutter but I still lean in and kiss his little palm.

I nibble at his fingers and he starts to giggle with the nipple in his mouth exposing only gums.

"You're ticklish there too?" I ask totally enamored with the sweetest smile I ever saw.

I love this. It's one of the best parts about being on vacation. Besides fiancé time, family time, this time with my son is...everything. I don't think there's a word that can adequately express how it feels to simply be with him.

To look at him, feed him, bathe him, cuddle, play, and smell his soft spot.

His neck too, just like Art my sons neck smells amazing when he isn't drooling.

It won't be long until he'll be too old...He won't smell like a baby anymore. Then he'll be able to move around and get away from me if he wishes.

This isn't my abandonment issues rearing it's ugly head, I just mean that he'll go to school. Have friends and things that take him away from me. I just don't want to waste a moment of him being mine and me being his whole world.

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