11. Gear & Art

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I swallow hard trying and failing to rid myself of this knot in my throat. My chest tightens from thinking about him. I wish so badly to fix this entire trash heap we finds ourselves in.

"Are you still there?" Clover asks me.

My mind swiftly returns from elsewhere.

" Yeah, I'm here." I mutter into the phone.

"I'm sorry Gear."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I wish I was there with you all. The showcase will be over in a few weeks. I promise to race home."

"Don't Clover, enjoy Paris."

"I have, Gem enjoys it more. She keeps dragging me to so many galleries and museums. I have had enough."

" How is she?"

"Worried just like me."

"I really wish I knew how to fix it."

"I told you, tell Art what you know."

"What do I know? I have only questions that no one will answer."

"Trust your intuition you know more than you think."

"But no proof, every time I try to tell Art I'm so confused I don't what words to use. It doesn't make sense."

"You do know. You told me and I believe you so tell Art. Just be concise when you speak with him."

"I would need to understand what is happening to be concise. I'm not you, you're the only one who is able to convince Art of anything."

"That's not true tell him like you told me. It is enough to create doubt in him. It will inspire him to start paying attention."

"You are so much better at it then me. He needs the no nonsense sass that's your perfect at."

"Me? You're worse then me, at least I try to say things nicely. You just always deliver bad news bluntly. Don't doubt yourself you can do this."

"I don't want to make it worse."

"Worse how? Is she pregnant with twins? The situation sucks plenty already. You couldn't make it worse."

"I wish you were here. I need a hug."

"Hug Jay."

I scoff, "Yeah right."

"What happened now?"

"Art called Jay when Fiat took him.  He didn't lift a finger and now Art is in the wind. He watched me worry all night and didn't say anything."

"What would have changed if he did?"

"Art wouldn't have left ."

"Yes he would have, that's what he always does. Runs away and sticks his head in the sand, or hoody."

"Could we blame him? If it were me I would of found a cliff to leap off."

"Dont say that."

"It's true. I would be just as devastated as he is right now."

"Just talk to him. He will believe you."

"Do you promise? I don't want him to hate me."

"I promise, I know Art. He will believe you. Just tell him like the no nonsense Gear we all know and love. You got this babe."

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now