55. -Jay & Fiat-

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He moans softly into my chest as he tightens his grasp around me.

"Are you awake?" I ask.

He groans, "No. Why is it so bright in here?"

"It's morning."

He shivers against me and I reach and pull the throw blanket over his shoulders.

He peers up at me.
"We never even made it to bed."

"You fell asleep before I finished."

"Did you cum?"

I nod and he slowly smiles.

"Do you feel better?"

"I don't think so." I admit.

His eyebrows furrow.
"I'm sorry baby." He says sweetly.

I sigh, "I need to get ready for work." I tell him as I move to stand.

He sits up pulling the throw around him as I head for the bathroom.

I'm brushing my teeth when he appears beside me. I offer him the toothpaste and he takes it. We brush our teeth in silence.

The shower head rains down over my head and I don't feel any better. The distance between us started the moment that nda was signed. Why does the distance still continue to spread? Everything hidden is revealed.

His arms wrap around me bringing my mind back from deep thought.

"What is it baby?" He asks against my back.


He squeezes me tighter, "Baby please tell me. Pretty please."

I consider it. He won't let go until I do.
"I thought the distance that started seven months ago was because of the secrets. I don't understand why it only gets worse even though every thing is revealed."

"I'm sorry baby. It's all my fault."

I let him hold me for a minute but the more I don't understand the more I ache.

"I'll be late." I tell him as I pull his arms away to release myself.

I get dressed in a daze. I pull on my pants and turn for my shirt and it's gone.

It was here a moment ago.. I think.

Gear clears his throat and I turn to look at him.

He is sitting on the dresser wearing my shirt.

I sigh before closing the distance between us.

He leans back onto his hands and open his legs for me.

I don't take the bait, "My shirt please." I say holding my hand out.

"You don't need it."

"What do you mean?"

"I text Fiat. I told him you're taking a sick day."

"Why would you do that?"

He leans forward and hooks his fingers into the band of my briefs and pulls me between his thighs.

He wraps his legs around me locking his feet.

"You are not leaving until there is no distance."

He parts the shirt exposing himself fully to me until it's barely draping against him.

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