5. -Fiat & Art-

356 31 92

**{I Don't Wanna to Live Forever}{by: ZAYN & Taylor Swift}


My heartaches. Arts mom has never looked at me that way, my stomach turns sour from the thought.

Now I know where Art gets it from. The gaze that chills you to the core.

I hear the front door open and I turn in time to see her step out of the house.

She stares at me for what seems like an entire minute. I put my hands in my pocket and look at the ground.

Ugh, can't she just shoot me?

"Come here Fiat." She commands.

I walk over and she reaches up and takes hold of my chin.

"Did you betray him?" She asks as she holds my gaze.

Tears instantly burn my eyes, I feel my body tremble under the burden. "Never Mom. I never would."

She searches my face for longer than I know.
"When you were a little boy you could never look me in the eye when you lied. Did Mr. CEO outgrow that? Can you lie to me Fiat?"

I shake my head.

"Promise me?"

I nod.

She takes a deep breath as she studies me,
"Are you in pain?" She asks me after a while.

I can't speak, and in a moment I'm overtaken.

She reaches up and wipes at my face.

"Can it be fixed?" She asks as her voice trembles.

I blink to clear my vision and watch as a single tear slowly runs down her face.

I don't have an answer.

But in a moment she wraps her arms around me and holds me while I cry.



"Don't Mom me. Give it to me now." She says scowling.

I pout at her aggressively.

"Art, do not make me ask you twice. You will never be too old for me to make you regret it."

"But Mom-

She swiftly reaches and pinches me on the stomach.

"Oww, your nails are sharp!"

She places her hand out and stares at me.

I sigh, and reach into my coat pocket. I place my passport in her hand and she quickly snatches it away.

"When can I have it back?"

"When I'm ready to be without my son." She says as she slips it into her back pocket.

She leans down to look at Milo and smiles, "And how is my furry grandson?" She says scratching behind his ears.

"Why did you change your mind?" I ask her.

"You just got home, spend time with your aging parents before abandoning us to flee the country."

I frown at her.
"Whatever. Where is dad?"

"In his shop."

"Ok, I'm gonna go out for a little while. Watch your grandson." I say as I turn to leave.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now