66. -Art-

368 21 1


He smiles down at me as he dries his hair.

"What?" I ask. I gently rub Juniors back as he lays on my chest.

"You are amazing with him."

"You think?"

"Definitely. He is already attached to you."

I can't help but smile. "It was love at first sight." I admit as I lift him and place him closer to my neck so I can inhale him.

Jeez they should bottle this stuff. Baby scent is so addicting.

"Yup, I'm getting jealous." He says chuckling.

"Of whom. Me or baby Fiat?"

"You because you're able to spend more time with him and Junior cause you smell him more than me. I can't compete with brand new human smell."

"He is such a good baby." I say as I gently rub his wispy head.

"I don't think there is such a thing as a bad baby. But you are blinded by his beautiful cuddly exterior." He says as he climbs into bed and lays across my legs.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He means baby Fiat is very mean to his mom." Mint says as she walks through the open double doors.

Fiat chuckles into my stomach as I gently brush his hair with my fingertips.

I look to Mint as she walks over to the bed and drops herself on it.
"I'm exhausted."

"What do you mean he is mean to you?" I ask.

Mint rolls over to look at me.
" It means when he isn't barfing on me, he is pissing or shitting on me. He has obliterated my genitalia and is going to work on my nipples. He is only sweet to you."

I laugh, "He pisses and poops on me plenty."

She tilts her head, "I'm tired. This newborn feeding schedule is unbelievable."

"I told you pump and put it in the fridge I'll do it."

"Art, you help so much I'm starting to feel like a bad mother."

"You aren't you are amazing. Let's just work together so nobody feels exhausted."

"You really are the best with him." She says as she sits up.

She pulls her phone out and starts taking pictures.

"My boys look too cute." She says as she stands and walks around the bed.

Milo is asleep on my left side with his head on my shoulder. Baby Fiat is asleep on my chest and Fiat pretends to sleep on my stomach.

Mint takes another photo. "Im framing this one." She says smiling.

She slips her phone into her pocket.

"Ok, Im taking two. I'll feed baby Fiat and put him to bed. Feed Milo and start dinner."

"You don't have to cook Mint." I tell her as she leans in and gently takes baby Fiat off my chest.

"Stop saying that Art. I love to cook. Besides if I don't cook I'll be rusty when I start school." She adjusts Junior in her arms and rocks him gently as he stirs.

"Have you decided when?" I ask.

"I contacted my school and I'll definitely have to wait. Maybe until he is a bit older. The schedule is demanding."

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