4. -Fiat & Steel-

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**{Sad Face}{by: Bahari}


I hurt. So deeply so endlessly I could die from the sorrow. I watch him drive away and everything that means anything goes with him.

Someone touches my arm. I look beside me and Jay is looking at me.

"It's cold out here. Come inside." He says.

I let myself be pulled along as I recall how he looked through me. I could have turned to dust beneath his gaze.

I sit at the kitchen table and Jay takes the seat beside me.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm nothing. I knew this would happen. He will never forgive me."

"What can I do for you?" He asks.

But there is no answer.

The kitchen door opens and Jay and I look up. Gear walks over to the kitchen table and takes a seat beside me.

He reaches to place his hand over mine.

"Fiat, Art is leaving for London in a few days."

My head snaps up to look at him.


"He doesn't want to be here anymore. He has asked me to tell you that he signed the apartment over. He left his key and a copy of the contract on the counter there for you."

My chest tightens. "He can't leave. He won't come back."

Gears sighs. "I know it's hard but unless you can change things..like now I don't see the purpose of keeping him here. It's too painful for him-

"No! There has to be another way." I say as I stand from the table.
I look to Jay.
"I don't care. I will never let him leave me." I say as I turn and walk out.

I don't fucking care I will NEVER let him leave me.


When I return I sigh in relief that there is no sign of him.

I sit my grocery bag on the island and pull out my wine and Milos snacks. On cue he jumps up onto me and starts sniffing at the the package.

"Why are you so wild? People will think I picked you up out of an alley." I shake my head. It's my own fault for spoiling him.
I turn and busy myself locating a cork screw and wine glass.

Milo tilts his head and stares at me.
"Won't you at least perform for them? Play dead or something."

He whimpers in response.
I roll my eyes and pick up the large bag of bacon treats.
I feed them to him one by one as I drink my wine.
I thought to make him do tricks to earn them but resigned myself. This is exactly why my hairy dog son is so spoiled.

I hear the kitchen door open and I look up to a very sullen looking Jay.

I smile at him.

"Did you eat?" He asks me.

"I snacked a bit at the store." I say as I take a sip from my glass.

"I could make you something." He offers.

"I'm not hungry." I say as I toss Milo another treat.

"Eat please. You shouldn't only fill your stomach with wine."

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