28. -Fiat & Art-

460 21 35


All eyes on me in the packed conference room.

"Hello Everyone." I begin.

The whole room greets me kindly.

"I apologize for my recent absence but I needed some time after the passing of my father your former CEO. I hope the time I took for mourning did not stop your productivity. I have a very sizable stack of notices on my desk and will try to get through all of them today. Any projects that need my immediate attention please come see me in my office and I will deal with those first. But besides that I would like all of you to welcome my friend Art."

I look to Art and his eyes go big.

Go big or go home kid.

He clears his throat and stands.

"He will be shadowing me so just treat him as one of the staff."

"Shadowing you why?" One of the employees asks.

"Good question. That is confidential as of now but it will be revealed later. Oh and he isn't a corporate spy so you can trust him. Any other questions?"

I search the room my gaze lands on my mother. She is livid. No surprise there.

"Wonderful everyone back to work now." I say dismissing them.

Art walks over, "Great telling them I'm not a spy. They will definitely think I'm a spy."

"Most likely." I say shrugging.

My mother approaches and looks at Art and scowls.

"We need to speak in your office now."

"Yes Mother." I say as I turn and lead the way.

The moment I shut my office door she starts.

"What the hell is he doing here?"

"Shadowing me."

I can feel her glaring as I take a seat behind my desk.

I take a breath, I prepared for this.

"Mother I love you. I love father. But I will not sacrifice or hurt Art ever again. I have done all that you ask, but you will not question me on this."

"How can't I? It's a disgrace. People will find out."


"And if they do your marriage will be called into question."

"Why would they? She is pregnant that's at least some proof. I promise that Art and I will not do anything to call attention or make people question my engagement. The bottom line is I can't live without him. He isn't leaving.  So as the CFO I would like your continued support and understanding. Also you are my mother, I love him. Please keep that in mind."

"Are you that childish?"

"Yes. If that's what you call it. Absolutely."

She stares at me confused.

"Why are you so different?" She asks finally.

I take a breath, "I hurt Art for you. Hurting Art broke me and him and you didn't bat an eye. Then you lead him into the interview to meet Mint purposefully to hurt him. I can't forgive anyone that would hurt him. Even if it's my mother. Because Art was and is always there since he came into my life he never missed a birthday, never missed a holiday and walked beside me through so much. Including when I fell from the bridge which you didn't bother to even fly back to check on me. He held my hand, he took care of me. He always takes care of me. You have no right to mistreat him."

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now