79. -Fiat & Art-

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"Do you really love me this much?" He asks as he holds this hand up admiring his ring as he rests against me in the tub.

"No. I love you more than what ever comes after trillion but I don't have that much money nore do I think they sell an engagement ring that expensive."

"Do you think I wouldn't know that or I wouldn't be satisfied with...you know a normal ring?"

"I wouldn't be, people need to know who you are."

"Who am I?"

"Mine. And besides there is no mistaking or confusing that iceberg on your hand. It will hopefully deter the puppy dogs that like to follow you home."

"Puppy dogs?"

"Yes. Heart eyed assholes like Grey and Mark."

He laughs aloud as he gently scratches my thigh with his fingernails.

I wonder if he is doing it on purpose light or hard him scratching me always....starts.

"Since when did you and Mint decide not to get married?"

"Since when have you been secretly dying inside over something that meant nothing?" I ask instead.

"I asked first, but I would think that would be obvious. What if the tables were flipped would it mean nothing to you?" He asks.

"Just be happy things were as they were."


"Because I'm pretty sure I'm willing to commit murder."

He snaps his head up to look at me and I try not to smirk at his huge eyes.

"Me or Mint?"

I blink at him and he actually shivers.

After a minute he gives me a tentative smile. "Well look at you always adding to your resume." He says with a truly horrified expression.

Im only joking...slightly. I very much see myself killing someone because of Art not Mint though. In the alternate Mint would be a man and that man's days would be numbered.

"Don't look so horrified, murder would obviously be the very last resort. I would have tried kidnapping you first."

" Stop looking horrified? That is horrible Fiat. You say it so cooly you freaking psychopath."

"I can't say that there aren't some darker parts of my personality. I'm glad circumstance have not forced me to unearth them."

"Stop." He whines.


"I never know if you're kidding or not."

"What do you think?"

"I think that you actually have stalked, kidnapped, and jumped from a bridge. Why must you worry me with possible murder?"

"Is it possible that you will leave me for another man?"


"Then I'm sure I'll never commit murder. Well at least I hope, I think it's safe to assume that the world better just leave you and my son alone. I would protect anyone in our family I just know that I wouldn't be able to think straight if it was you or Fiat."

"You think straight?" He asks with a smirk.

"Has anyone died?"

"I guess. Let's change the topic I'm scared to be too deep into your psyche."

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