85. -Art-

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-Art continued....


"It's in my office."

I drop my head onto his shoulder with a huff.
"These stolen moments are getting so old."

"I know baby." He says sympathetically as he stands from the chaise lifting me with him.

"Don't forget the monitor." I mutter into his shoulder as he walks us out of the nursery.

I lift my head in time to see him take it off the dresser. I take it from his hand and switch the volume all the way up as he walks us toward his office.

On our way we can hear laughing and talking coming from the living room. They migrated downstairs. I wonder for a moment if Fiat and I can successfully get anything in between a house full of people and a newborn who sleeps on a timer. More accurately short bursts.

Fiat walks around his desk and places me on my feet. I take a moment to nonchalantly snoop around as he takes his desk chair and begins working at his computer.

His bookshelf is filled to the brim with the most boring fucking books. Mostly business books and sports biographies. But what catches me off guard are the true crime, forensic science, and criminal psychology books. Like a alot of them that I never once saw him with.

I'm a little confused, real crime has always been my thing. Even then I don't read or buy books I just freak myself out with casual Netflix viewing.


"Yes babe?"

"When did you start getting into real crime?"

"Just light reading."



"There's a lot here. Have you read all of these?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I just never knew you had in interest in forensic science, criminal psychology, or true crime at all."

"I wasn't really before. Guess you rubbed off on me."

"Really? But you always complained about me watching it."

"That's because you always get super paranoid and get scared of the dark again. It's not a big deal I was just bored with you gone and broadened the genre of my reading."

I shrug awkwardly. "Cool."

Fiat laughs aloud.
"You scared?"

"Scared?....of what?. You casually reading up on how to get away with murder. Nope... that doesn't worry me at all."

Fiat rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
"Don't think too much. Come over here."

I blink at him. I have a few more questions that I want to ask but I realize I'm scared of the answer. I decide to push it deep deep down.

He smiles at me and offers his hand and I take it. Let's be real I would always take it.

He pulls me over to sit on his lap.

Fiat clicks the mouse and a picture of us the night of our engagement takes over the huge computer screen.

Immediately I smile.

"Benz sent them already?" I ask excited.

Fiat smiles broadly. "Yup, they are amazing."

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